Remove Connectivity Rule From Geometric Network (Data Management)
Removes a connectivity rule from the geometric network.
The feature classes specified must reside in the geometric network.
Removal of an edge-edge rule does not remove the corresponding edge-junction rules. Conversely, removal of an edge-junction rule does not remove the corresponding edge-edge rule.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_geometric_network |
The geometric network from which the connectivity rule will be removed. | Geometric Network |
in_connectivity_rules [[feature class, subtype],...] |
For Edge-Junction rules, the edge feature class with subtype and junction feature class with subtype. For Edge-Edge rules, the from edge feature class with subtype, the to edge feature class with subtype and junction with subtype. | String |
Code Sample
The following stand-alone Python script demonstrates how to use the RemoveConnectivityRuleFromGeometricNetwork to remove an edge-junction connectivity rule from a geometric network.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Local variables:
Water_Net = "C:\\testing\\GeometricNetworks\\Montgomery.gdb\\Water\\Water_Net"
# Process: Remove Connectivity Rule From Geometric Network
arcpy.RemoveConnectivityRuleFromGeometricNetwork_management(Water_Net, "Distribmains; Distribmains;Fittings;Tap")