Verify And Repair Geometric Network Connectivity (Data Management)
Detects and optionally repairs a variety of connectivity and geometry problems within geometric networks.
The types of inconsistent network connectivity this tool will find include the following:
- A network with no corresponding network elements
- A network feature with one or more missing network elements
- A network feature with duplicate network elements
- A network feature associated with inconsistent or invalid network elements
- A network feature associated with or connected to a nonexistent network feature
Unlike the Verify Connectivity and Repair Connectivity commands within ArcMap, the Verify And Repair Geometric Network Connectivity tool will not produce a selected set of features. Features with inconsistent connectivity are written to the Output Log File.
Any warnings generated by this tool that you need to be aware of are written to the progress dialog window, the Results window, and the Output Log File.
When running this tool with the Repair network after verify completes option unchecked (verify_or_repair set to VERIFY_ONLY in Python), if any network inconsistencies are discovered, the tool should be re-run with the Repair network after verify completes parameter checked (verify_or_repair set to VERIFY_AND_REPAIR in Python).
When running this tool with the Perform exhaustive check within extent option checked (exhaustive_check set to EXHAUSTIVE_CHECK in Python), additional checks are performed against the network features within the specified extent. The types of additional checks this tool will perform include the following:
- A network junction that is not coincident with edges to which it is connected
- A network element associated with a zero length edge
- A network edge with invalid edge element order
This tool outputs a Boolean value to be used when the tool is run in verify only mode. A value of True indicates network inconsistencies were found and the tool should be re-run in repair mode. A value of False indicates no inconsistencies were found and no further action is required. When run in repair mode, this value can be ignored. This value can be used in ModelBuilder as a precondition for executing other tools.
When using this tool in Python scripts, the result object returned from tool execution has the following outputs:
Data Type
Log File
Issues Found

This tool is available in version 10.2.1 and later.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
geometric_network | The geometric network to verify. | Geometric Network |
out_log |
A log file containing details about the progress of the tool. | File |
verify_or_repair (Optional) |
Indicates whether connectivity errors will be repaired or not.
| Boolean |
exhaustive_check (Optional) |
Indicates whether an exhaustive check will be performed against the geometric network. The exhaustive check will increase the time the tool will take to complete. Therefore, it is recommended that it be run over a subset of the geometric network such as the extent of edits made within a version.
| Boolean |
extent (Optional) |
The four coordinates defining the extent over which the exhaustive check will be run. The extent is specified as X-Minimum, Y-Minimum, X-Maximum, Y-Maximum. | Extent |
Code Sample
The following stand-alone Python script demonstrates how to use VerifyandRepairGeometricNetworkConnectivity in a Python script to verify a geometric network and use the exhaustive check over a subset of the features.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Local variables:
Water_Net = "C:\\testing\\GeometricNetworks\\Montgomery.gdb\\Water\\Water_Net"
# Process: Remove Feature Class From Geometric Network
arcpy.VerifyAndRepairGeometricNetworkConnectivity_management("Water_Net”, r"c:\temp\Water_Net.log", "VERIFY_ONLY", "EXHAUSTIVE_CHECK", “1952602 294196 1953546 296176")