Export Mosaic Dataset Items (Data Management)
Creates a copy of your processed images within a mosaic dataset to a specified folder and raster file format.
By default, all the items will be exported to the specified folder. You can make a query or selection if you only want to export a subset of the images.
The images will be exported with all the processing from the function chains applied. This tool does not export the raw source images.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_mosaic_dataset |
The input mosaic dataset. | Mosaic Layer |
out_folder |
The output folder where the output rasters will be saved. | Folder |
where_clause (Optional) | Define an SQL query if you want to export a subset of the mosaic dataset items. For more information on SQL syntax see the help topic SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS. If no query is specified, all mosaic dataset items will be exported. | SQL Expression |
out_base_name (Optional) |
The prefix for each exported file name. The ObjectID number is then appended to complete the file name. If no base name is set, the text in the Name field of the mosaic dataset item will be used. | String |
format (Optional) |
The file format for the exported raster datasets.
| String |
nodata_value (Optional) |
The NoData value for the output data. If you choose to clip your output data, it is recommended that you specify a NoData value. | String |
clip_type (Optional) |
The method to use to clip your output images.
| String |
template_dataset (Optional) |
An extent or a dataset used to define the clipping boundary. | Extent |
cell_size (Optional) |
The x and y cell size dimensions for the output data. The default cell size is the same as the input. | Point |
Code Sample
This is a Python sample for ExportMosaicDatasetItems.
import arcpy
"allitems", "", "TIFF", "", "NONE", "", "")
This is a Python script sample for ExportMosaicDatasetItems.
#Export Mosaic Dataset items
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/workspace"
#export mosaic dataset items using feature class as clipping extent
imdname = "exportmditem.gdb/exportmd"
outfolder = "c:/workspace/outfolder"
basename = "Landsat8"
query = "OBJECTID = 1"
out_format = "TIFF"
nodata_value = "#"
cliptype = "FEATURE_CLASS"
clip_featureclass = "c:/workspace/featureclassdb.gdb/clip_FC"
cell_size = "#"
arcpy.ExportMosaicDatasetItems_management(imdname, outfolder, basename,
query, out_format, nodata_value, cliptype, clip_featureclass, cell_size)