The geodatabase administrator in PostgreSQL

The geodatabase administrator in PostgreSQL is a database login role named sde.

This account is responsible for administration of the following:

Because the geodatabase administrator owns all the geodatabase system files, directories, and tables, this account must be created before the geodatabase can be created. If you use the Create Enterprise Geodatabase geoprocessing tool or script to create a geodatabase in PostgreSQL, the tool creates the sde user and its schema for you and grants the privileges necessary to create a geodatabase. If you use the Enable Enterprise Geodatabase geoprocessing tool, script, or wizard to enable geodatabase functionality in an existing PostgreSQL database, the database administrator (DBA) must create the sde user and schema and grant the privileges required to create a geodatabase.

Keep in mind that the geodatabase administrator is not the same as the DBA. Although conditions at your site may necessitate that the geodatabase administrator have super user permissions in the database cluster, this is not required for day-to-day operation of a geodatabase in PostgreSQL.

The geodatabase administrator and schema

In PostgreSQL, users do not automatically have a schema with the same name as their user name. However, to create a geodatabase in PostgreSQL, your user names must have corresponding default schema names. This applies to the sde user as well as nonadministrative users that own data.

It is recommended that the geodatabase administrator and its schema only be used to manage and store the ArcSDE geodatabase repository. You should create separate user schemas in which to store your data objects, such as feature classes and raster datasets. Following the practice of storing only system tables in the geodatabase administrator's storage space simplifies the management of the geodatabase and makes it easier for you to delete the geodatabase from your database if you ever decide to do so.

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