Pausing a local ArcSDE service on Windows
Use the Windows services menu to pause a local ArcSDE service.
When the service is paused, current application connections continue but additional application requests to connect are denied. This allows current users to complete their work before the service shuts down. New connection attempts made after the service is paused will receive the following error message:
Failed to connect to database. SDE not accepting connection requests
If you were to check the status of a paused service, the connection mode would appear as Paused/Block Connections.

Pausing the service also prevents new direct connections from being made to the geodatabase. This occurs because pausing the service also changes the status in the sde_server_config table to indicate the geodatabase is not accepting connections. The status is changed back when the service is resumed.

Windows users must have power user or administrator group permissions to pause, resume, or shut down a local or remote ArcSDE service.
- Open the Administrative Tools.
- Open the Services menu.
- Right-click the ArcSDE service and click Pause on the shortcut menu.