Finding the shortest path

  1. Click the tool palette drop-down arrow on the Utility Network Analyst toolbar and click a flag tool button (Add Junction Flag or Add Edge Flag).
  2. Click to place flags on the features among which you want to find a path.
  3. Click Analysis and click Options.
  4. Click the Weights tab.
  5. Click the Junction weights drop-down arrow and click the name of the weight you want to use for junctions.
  6. Click the from-to edge weight drop-down arrow and click the name of the weight you want to use for tracing edges along the digitized direction.
  7. Click the to-from edge weight drop-down arrow and click the name of the weight you want to use for tracing edges against the digitized direction.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click the Trace Task drop-down arrow and click Find Path.
  10. Click the Solve button Solve.

The shortest path based on the weights you chose is displayed, and the total cost of this path is reported in the status bar.

When you use the Find Path trace task, the flags you place on the network must be either all edge flags or all junction flags. You cannot find a path among a mixture of edge and junction flags.
By default, the Find Path trace task does not use weights. If you do not use weights, the path found is the shortest path based on the number of edge elements in the path.

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