An overview of working with route event data

Beyond creating and displaying event data along routes, linear referencing provides tools to analyze your event data.

The ability to perform route event analysis is a very powerful capability of linear referencing. Spatial relationships between different events can be discovered by overlaying existing event tables. You can also summarize event data based on specific attributes by dissolving or concatenating (aggregating) event tables. Concatenating or dissolving events can be used to break up event tables with multiple descriptive attributes.

Route events can also be transformed from one route reference to another. This is valuable when supporting multiple route references or when updating event measure values to reflect the recalibration or realigning of a route.

The result of overlaying, dissolving, concatenating, and transforming event data is a new event table.

Working with route event data


See this topic

Overlaying existing route events to create new events

Overlaying events

Concatenating or dissolving existing event data

Aggregating route events

Transforming route events from one route reference to another

Transforming event measures

Creating route feature classes

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