Importing metadata from the Description tab
If you view an item's metadata and see that it only contains information added automatically by ArcGIS, you can import metadata from a template stand-alone metadata XML file or another ArcGIS item, then start editing it to add information that specifically describes the item.

Always import metadata before you start editing metadata to describe the target item; any existing metadata will be removed, and your work will be lost.
- In the Catalog window, click the item to which you want to import metadata.
- View the item's metadata.
Click the Import button
in the Description tab.
The Import Metadata tool opens. The Translator parameter is populated with the appropriate value for your metadata style.
- Provide the item or XML file containing the metadata you want to import in the Source Metadata text box.
Click the Import Type drop-down arrow and click the format of the information in Source Metadata.
- FROM_ARCGIS—The source metadata contains ArcGIS metadata. For example, it may have been created with the current version of ArcGIS for Desktop in the Description tab. The metadata won't be converted.
- FROM_ESRIISO—The source metadata contains ESRI-ISO-formatted metadata. This metadata was likely created using ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1 or an earlier version using the ISO metadata editor, which was a wizard-style application. The source metadata will be converted to ArcGIS metadata when you run the tool.
- FROM_FGDC—The source metadata follows the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) XML format. For example, it may have been created using the FGDC metadata editor provided with ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1, or outside of ArcGIS using another application that supports FGDC metadata. The source metadata will be converted to ArcGIS metadata when you run the tool.
- FROM_ISO_19139—The source metadata is formatted according to the ISO standard 19139, Geographic information — Metadata — XML schema implementation. This metadata was either created outside of ArcGIS or exported from ArcGIS. The source metadata will be converted to ArcGIS metadata when you run the tool.
Indicate whether you want properties recorded in the imported metadata to be kept up-to-date with the ArcGIS item's actual properties.
- Check Enable automatic updates to replace properties recorded in the imported metadata with actual properties of the ArcGIS item.
- Uncheck Enable automatic updates to keep properties recorded in the imported metadata static even if the ArcGIS item changes.
Click OK.
The imported information is processed, imported, then updated to contain properties of the target ArcGIS item.
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