Executing the Maximum Likelihood Classification tool

When you have a signature file ready, you can use the Maximum Likelihood Classification tool to classify the input image.

  1. Create training samples if no training samples have been created.

    Refer to the topic Creating training samples on how to create training samples.

  2. Create a signature file for the training samples if it has not been created already.

    Refer to the topic Creating a signature file on how to create a signature file.

  3. On the Image Classification toolbar, click Classification > Maximum Likelihood Classification to open the Maximum Likelihood Classification tool.
  4. In the tool dialog box, specify values for the three required parameters—Input raster bands, Input signature file, and Output classified raster. Accept the default values for other parameters.
  5. Click OK to run the tool.

The output classified raster will be automatically added to ArcMap when the tool finishes.

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