Workspace To New Raster Catalog (Samples)
Creates a new raster catalog and loads all the raster datasets in the input workspace, or geodatabase, to the raster catalog. The spatial reference of both the raster column and the geometry column are taken from the first raster dataset in the input workspace. The x,y domain of the geometry column is calculated with the union extents of all the raster dataset inputs. There must be a spatial reference attached to the raster datasets for the tool to run.
The input workspace, or geodatabase, should contain all the raster datasets you put into the raster catalog.
There must be a spatial reference attached to the raster datasets for the tool to run.
Raster catalog items within a geodatabase can be handled in two ways: managed or unmanaged by the geodatabase. Having the raster catalog managed by the geodatabase means that the raster datasets will be stored within the geodatabase. When a row is deleted from the catalog, it is deleted from the geodatabase. When your raster catalog is unmanaged, there will only be a pointer connecting the raster catalog row to the raster dataset. All raster datasets loaded into an unmanaged raster catalog must be a file on disk. Geodatabase raster datasets can only be loaded into raster catalogs that are managed.
When creating a raster catalog in an ArcSDE geodatabase, the new raster catalog name cannot contain spaces; you can use underscores to separate words.
This sample tool was created using Python. The code can be viewed and edited to help you write your own scripts.
The Raster Analysis Environment Settings are not valid for this tool.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
input_workspace |
The input workspace can be a directory, a personal geodatabase, file geodatabase, or an ArcSDE geodatabase. | Folder | Workspace |
output_location |
The output location is the geodatabase where the new raster catalog will be created. | Folder | Workspace |
raster_catalog_name |
The name of the raster catalog to be created. | String |
configuration_keyword (Optional) |
Specifies the storage parameters (configuration) for a file geodatabase and an ArcSDE geodatabase. Personal geodatabases do not use configuration keywords. ArcSDE configuration keywords are set up by your database administrator. | String |
management_type (Optional) |
Raster datasets within raster catalogs can be managed in two ways: managed or unmanaged (by the geodatabase).
| String |
Code Sample
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
gp.WorkspaceToNewRasterCatalog_samples("D:\\temp\\tempws", "Database Connections\\raster.sde", "wrksp_to_new_rc", "#", "Managed")