Write Features to Text File (Samples)
Writes feature coordinates to a text file.

Output from this tool is in the same format as described for the input to the Create Features From Text File tool.
Output coordinates are space delimited with the decimal separator of your choice.
Outputs with null values for z or m will have the value 1.#QNAN for those positions.
Selecting the locale decimal point option will result in the output being separated by whatever the system decimal point is set to. If the system is on a German locale, the output will take the form 1234,5. If the system is on a United States locale, the output will take the form 1234.5
Selecting the default Python output option will result in the output being separated by whatever Python is using for a decimal point. This is usually a period.
Point features will be output to the following format:
Point id x y z m id x y z m ... END
Multipoint features will be output to the following format:
Multipoint multipoint_id 0 pnt_id x y z m pnt_id x y z m ... multipoint_id 0 pnt_id x y z m ... END
Line features will be output to the following format:
Polyline line_id part_number pnt_id x y z m pnt_id x y z m ... line_id part_number pnt_id x y z m pnt_id x y z m ... END
Polygon features will be output to the following format:
Polygon polygon_id part_number pnt_id x y z m pnt_id x y z m ... InteriorRing pnt_id x y z m pnt_id x y z m ... polygon_id part_number pnt_id x y z m pnt_id x y z m ... END
No environment settings affect this tool.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
input_features |
The input features to be written to a text file. | Feature Layer |
output_text_file |
The output text file. | Text File |
decimal_separator_character |
The character that will separate the whole number from the decimal.
| String |
Code Sample
# Create geoprocessing dispatch object
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
# Set up inputs to tool
inFC= r"C:\temp\routes.txt"
TxtCoords = r"C:\temp\RteCoords.shp"
sep = "locale decimal point"
# Run tool
gp.WriteFeaturesToTextFile(inFC, TxtCoords, sep)