Creating new 3D features
You can interactively create new 3D features (points, lines, polygons, and multipatches) in ArcScene and ArcGlobe within a 3D edit session. To create 3D features, your feature class should be z-aware. In most cases, the z-units should be the same as the x,y-units. For more information on how to create z-aware feature classes, see the following topic on Defining geometry properties for feature classes.
If your feature class is not z-aware, you can still interactively create features, but your features will not be able to store height information.
To interactively create new features in ArcScene or ArcGlobe, follow these steps:
- Add the feature class you want to create new 3D features for.
- Click 3D Editor on the 3D Editor toolbar and click Start Editing.
- Choose the feature template that you want to edit from the Create Features window.
- Use the Construction Tools on the bottom of the Create Features window to start creating new edits.
- When you are finished editing, click 3D Editor and click Save Edits to save your newly created 3D features.
- Click 3D Editor and click Stop Editing.
If the 3D Editor toolbar is not visible, add it to the display from the Customize menu.
When starting an edit session, if your 3D document contains data from more than one workspace, you are prompted to choose the workspace in which you want to edit.
If you click Stop Editing without having saved any of your edits, you are prompted to save before the edit session ends.

- If you want to create features in an empty feature class (one that does not already have existing features) then you need to add some base data (base imagery or other not-empty feature class) to your 3D view. This is required to provide reference information on where to place the newly created features.
- Learn more about feature templates
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