Symbolizing a point as an imported 3D marker
You can use local 3D models, such as a SketchUp or COLLADA file, to symbolize a point as a 3D object inside ArcGlobe.
- Click the symbol in the table of contents for the point layer that you want to modify.
- Click Edit Symbol.
Click the Type drop-down arrow and click 3D Marker Symbol.
- Browse to the model you want to use and click Open from the Open dialog box.
- Click OK on all dialog boxes.
The Symbol Selector dialog box opens.
The Symbol Property Editor dialog box appears.

- Not all VRML shapes are supported. Excluded shape types include Box, Cone, Cylinder, Extrusion, PointSet, Sphere, and Text.
- If you are bringing in multiple models, you can create a point feature for each incoming model and use feature attributes to assign unique symbols, sizes, and rotation angles.
- Import the model into a style for simple access to the model as a symbol for other layers.
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