00078: Data source connection is using operating system authentication

The connection to your layer's data source uses operating system (OS) authentication and you are attempting to publish to service with Feature Access (feature service) enabled.



Changing connection properties manually through the Database Connection dialog box does not affect the layer. It only affects the database connection. If you change connection properties manually, you will need to either remove the layer added with the original connection using OS authentication and add it back using the connection using database authentication. You can use arcpy.mapping to automate this.

Learn more about updating data sources with arcpy.mapping

Clicking the solution Edit connection properties from the context menu from the Prepare window will automatically update the layers with the change you make.

More information

OS authentication indicates a user logs in to the computer, and the credentials for authorization are supplied to the database by the operating system of the user's computer.

Database authentication indicates a user logs in to the server, then must separately log in to the database using database user names and passwords, which the database administrator must create.

Learn more about operating system authentication and user accounts
