00101: OGC service's Name property is empty
The service you are publishing has OGC (WMS or WCS) capabilities turned on and the OGC service Name property is empty. Name is required for OGC service publishing.
- Enter a name for the OGC service.
- From the Service Editor, select the appropriate OGC type from the left-hand column.
- Enter a name value for the Name property (example: enter WMS).
- Click OK to apply your settings.
More information
An OGC service's properties are reflected in its capabilities files so that whoever consumes the service can have a better understanding of the service publisher. When publishing an OGC service with system-generated capabilities files (the default), it is recommended that you populate the OGC service properties except for Name, Title, and OnlineResource. The Name and Title service properties are already filled in with OGC type (WMS, WCS) and the name of the map service or image service, and OnlineResource is already filled in with the URL of the WMS service. In most cases, you should not change those three properties.