20027: Layer uses advanced renderer settings

Your layer uses advanced renderer settings that are not supported when publishing a map service with feature access capabilities. These settings will be ignored by the feature service. Advanced settings include symbol rotation, symbol size, symbol-level drawing, and symbol transparency.


More information

Feature access capable services allow you to query features and also get the features' symbology. Clients can use this information to draw the features with a symbology that is consistent with what is defined on the service.

The symbols returned by the service are based on the symbology of the layers in the ArcMap document (.mxd). Each symbol in each layer is referred to as a type. For example, a layer symbolized with a simple renderer (one symbol) has one type. If a unique value renderer is used, there will be a type returned for each unique value in the renderer.

Feature access capable services support a subset of ArcMap renderers. These include

Renderers not supported include

Advanced settings are not supported, regardless of renderer. Advanced settings include

Learn more about essential layer display vocabulary
