Viewing the location of a missing feature

Once the location of a missing feature has been indicated using the Flag Missing Feature tool, you can view a bitmap of the location by clicking the Show Record Bitmap button on the Reviewer Table window. This provides a snapshot of the location where the missing feature belongs.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, load data in the map.
  3. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Data Reviewer.
  4. Click the Reviewer Table button Reviewer Table on the Data Reviewer toolbar.
  5. Click the Show Record Bitmap button Show Record Bitmap on the Reviewer Table window.
  6. Double-click a location record in the Reviewer table.

    Records that are for locations have a value of Location in the CATEGORY field of the Reviewer table.

    The Reviewer Image Viewer window appears. The viewer dynamically updates to show the bitmap that corresponds to the current Reviewer table record.

    Reviewer Image Viewer dialog box
  7. Click the Close button Close when you are finished viewing the bitmap.