Graphic table element merge types (Defense Mapping)
The graphic table element allows you to merge and unmerge table cells in a number of ways, depending on whether or not you want to compare cell content prior to merging.
Automerge Table
Automerge Table allows you to define the table so adjacent cells with identical content are merged into one cell, depending on the table type and how the Merge options dialog box is defined.
You can merge content in the body cells for all table types by accessing the Merge options dialog box through the Table Format tab, checking the Enable automatic merging cells check box, then clicking Merging options.
You can define automerge options for headers and footers, in addition to content in body cells, for an item to row or item to column table, but not for an interactive table. You can access the Merge options dialog box through the Table Layout menu or by selecting and right-clicking a cell or cells from the Table Layout area of the Table Design dialog box.

Cell rows or columns are merged based on what you select in the Merge cells by and Compare cells by drop-down lists on the Merge options dialog box.
Merge Cells and Unmerge Cells
Both Merge Cells and Unmerge Cells are available from the Table Layout area of the Table Design dialog box.
Merge Cells is used to merge cells without comparing values, formats, or cell properties. When you select two or more cells with identical or different content to merge, the cell selected first becomes the main cell containing the content from that first cell.
Unmerge Cells allows you to unmerge a previously merged cell. The selected cell will unmerge into the same number of cells from which it was previously merged. However, only the cell selected first in the merge prior to the unmerge will have content from the main cell after the unmerge. The remaining cells will be empty.
For example, you can choose three cells in a row to merge using Merge Cells. Once the cells are merged into one cell, you can right-click the cell and choose Unmerge Cells. The cell will become three separate cells in a row, with the first cell containing content and the other two remaining empty.

Unmerge Cells can also be used to unmerge cells previously merged using Automerge Table.