Workflow Manager extension
The workflows you manage using ArcGIS Workflow Manager can be made available as web services and accessed through web client applications.
Workflow Manager can help you do the following:
- Improve user productivity by automating tasks and reducing repetitive setup procedures.
- Save time by completing GIS tasks while tracking staffing, time schedules, and so on.
- Create and assign workflows to appropriate resources.
- Maintain and track feature edits in multiuser geodatabase environments.
- Manage a dispersed workforce by distributing work geographically.
- Seamlessly integrate your GIS workflows with other business applications.
See the topic What is Workflow Manager? and its related topics to learn more about Workflow Manager. Many of the things you can do with Workflow Manager can be exposed through your server.
Working with Workflow Manager on the web
Workflow Manager services are the way that you'll make your workflows available to clients on the web. After enabling the ArcGIS Workflow Manager extension, you'll be able to publish your Workflow Manager repository as a web service. Internet or intranet users can then use the web service to access and modify their workflows in lightweight clients you develop, such as web and mobile apps. The Workflow Manager Resource Center page has examples of such apps and how to build them.
What's the advantage of exposing your workflow through a web or mobile app? For one thing, it makes your information easy for anyone to access. Many computers in your organization might not have any ArcGIS software installed, but most of them have a web browser. Web apps can sometimes even be accessed from home using appropriate login credentials. Putting your information in a web app makes it available to a wider variety of people and places.
The other nice thing about web apps is that they can be custom designed for people who might not know much about ArcGIS. You can simplify the design to include just the necessary information about your workflow. Or, If your organization has an existing web site, you can build a page into it that exposes your workflow.
For detailed instructions on how to publish a Workflow Manager service with ArcGIS, see the topic Publishing a Workflow Manager service.