About the ArcGIS Portal Directory

The /portaladmin application of the ArcGIS Portal Directory is only available at 10.2.1 and later versions. This application did not exist at 10.2.
The ArcGIS Portal Directory is an interactive view of the ArcGIS REST API's resources for working with the portal. There are two web applications with different URLs that you'll use to browse the capabilities of the portal and execute operations.
The available tasks vary between URLs, as described below.
Accessing the Portal Directory over the URL https://webadaptor.domain.com/arcgis/portaladmin allows you to perform certain administrative functions not available in the portal website. You'll primarily use this URL to do the following:
- Update your portal's identity store to use Integrated Windows Authentication, LDAP, or PKI.
- Configure if users in your organization are automatically added as members in the portal when logging in with their enterprise credentials.
- Unregister ArcGIS Web Adaptor IIS, Java Platform (Windows), or Java Platform (Linux) with your portal.
- Change the location of the portal content directory.
- Disable access to the ArcGIS Portal Directory.
Accessing the Portal Directory over the URL https://webadaptor.domain.com/arcgis/sharing/rest allows you to perform the following:
- Add and remove users from groups.
- Upload and publish items.
- Search items.
- Federate one or more ArcGIS Server sites with your portal.
- Designate a federated server as the portal's hosting server.