Copy the files to a PKI-secured portal
On a PKI-secured portal, there are extra steps required to install Operations Dashboard.
- On the machine where you ran the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS Deployment Utility, browse to the location where the files were created (as specified in the utility).
- Copy the opsdashboard folder.
- On the portal machine, browse to c:\inetpub\wwwroot and paste the opsdashboard folder.
- Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Expand your web server in the Connections panel.
- Expand Sites.
- Expand Default Web Site.
- Select opsdashboard.
- Double-click SSL settings in the opsdashboard Home panel.
- Select Ignore for Client certificates if it is not already selected.
- If you changed the Client certificates setting, click Apply in the Actions panel.
- Close Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Start a command prompt as an administrator.
- Type cd <portal install directory>\ArcGIS\Portal\webapps\docroot where <portal install directory> is the path to your portal installation. For example, cd c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\webapps\docroot.
- If the opsdashboard folder exists in the <portal install directory>\ArcGIS\Portal\webapps\docroot folder, delete it.
- Type mklink /J opsdashboard c:\inetpub\wwwroot\opsdashboard.
- On the machine where you ran the utility, return to the location where the files were created.
- Copy the operations-dashboard folder.
- On the portal machine, browse to <portal install directory>\arcgis\portal\webapps\docroot\help\en (where <portal install directory> is the path to your portal installation), and paste the operations-dashboard folder. For example, c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\webapps\docroot\help\en.
- Continue creating an item on the portal. The URL to your app will be