Adding web maps

Using the map viewer, you can create and save a new web map that includes a basemap, data layers, a title, extent, and so on. You can also find an existing map that you want to save as your own so you can enhance and augment it with your own data. See About authoring web maps for more information.

To save a web map to your content space on the website, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the map viewer and create a new map. Alternatively, open an existing web map that you want to modify.
  2. Verify that you are signed in.
  3. Click the Save button. Click Save if you created a new map. Click the Save As button to create a copy of an existing map. See Saving web maps for more information.
  4. Type a title.
  5. Type tags.
    Tags are words or short phrases that describe your item. Separate terms with commas. Federal land is considered one tag, while Federal, land is considered two tags. It is useful to enter keywords related to how you want others to use your application (for example, code sample, template, or user application).
  6. Enter a summary that describes the map.
  7. Choose a folder in My Content where you want to save the map.
  8. Click the Save Map button.
Save Map

Once you've saved your map, it appears on My Content, and you can edit the item details and share it with everybody (public) or groups you belong to. Once you've shared it, you can post it on a social networking site such as Twitter, e-mail a link, embed it in a website or blog, or create an application with the map. For more information, seeAbout using web maps.
