Setting web map options for applications
ArcGIS has several stand-alone client viewers and applications you can use to view web maps in web browsers, mobile devices, and desktop map viewers. Most clients let you navigate location-specific places, view information about the attributes on the map, see legends and scales, go to bookmarked places, and print. Some clients offer additional tools and capabilities such as collecting data in the field and routing. As a map author, you set the application properties in the item details of your web map.

Currently, the properties only apply to Collector for ArcGIS, a mobile application that allows you to collect and view data while in the field using your iOS or Android phone. Web maps need to include at least one editable feature layer with point features. For details about using Collector, see the help for Collector for ArcGIS (Android) or the help for Collector for ArcGIS (iOS).
To enable properties in your web map for ArcGIS applications, follow these steps.
- Create and save a web map in the map viewer. For Collector, the web map needs to include at least one editable point (feature) layer.
- Open My Content.
- Click the name of your web map to view its item details.
- Click the Edit button.
- Scroll down to view and modify the Application Settings which are in the Properties section of the page.
- Choose the tools and capabilities to enable or disable. For Collector, Routing, Measure Tool, and Basemap Selector are enabled by default, while Track Location is disabled by default. For more information about these options, see the Collector documentation.
- Routing—enables users of your map to get directions.
- Measure Tool—enables users of your map to measure on the map.
- Basemap Selector—enables users of your map to change the basemap.
- Click Save to update your web map with the application settings.