Viewing attachments
To view and open attachments, you can either use the Identify window or table window or, when editing, use the Attributes window. If HTML pop-up windows have been defined for a layer, attachments also show when you click a feature with the HTML Pop-up tool. The attachments open in the Windows default application for that file type.

You need anArcGIS for Desktop Advanced orArcGIS for Desktop Standard license to access the attachment in the Attributes window, since you are editing the layer.
- Click the Identify tool
on the Tools toolbar and click the feature containing the attachments you want to view.
- Click the Open Attachment Manager button—the paperclip icon
just above the grid of attribute values. The number of files attached to the features is shown in parentheses.
Click the attachment in the list to open it.
- You can also click Open Attachment Manager and open the attachment from the list of attached files.
If you are in an edit session and have an Standard or Advanced license, you also can use the Attributes window to view the attachments. Select the feature and click the Attributes button
on the Editor toolbar.

To use the table window to view attachments, right-click the gray cell to the left of the record for the feature you want to add attachments to and click Open Attachments Manager.
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