Registering an X- and Y-coordinate offset event
The X and Y Coordinate event type will be deprecated in the 10.3 release of Roads and Highways. The 10.2.2 Patch 1 release of Roads and Highways supports X and Y coordinates by configuring a Route and Measure event to store referent locations with event records.
To offset against an X- and Y-coordinate location, add the following fields to your event attribute table:
Field | Type | Description |
RefMethod | Short Integer | A coded value domain, dRefMethod, is stored in the ALRS when you install the latest version of Esri Roads and Highways for Desktop or upgrade the ALRS. To offset against an X- and Y- coordinate location, select X/Y as your referent method. |
RefLoc | Text | The starting location value. This field must have a minimum length of 50 characters. |
RefOffset | Text | The offset value. This field must have a minimum length of 50 characters. |
- Start ArcMap and open the Catalog window or start ArcCatalog.
- In the Catalog tree, connect to the geodatabase that contains the advanced linear referencing system (ALRS) and LRS Network for which you want to add event layers.
- Expand the ALRS that contains the LRS Network for which you want to add event layers.
- Right-click the LRS Network and click New > LRS Event.
The ALRS Event Setup wizard appears.
- Click Next.
- Choose Route and Measure.
- Click Next.
The General Event Properties page of the wizard appears.
- Type a name for your event layer in the Event Name text box.
- Verify that the parent network is set to the correct network.
- Click the browse button next to the Event Table text box.
The Browse Data dialog box appears.
Note:For more information about setting up database connections to your external event database, see Registering an external event source.
Note:When adding local events to an SDE geodatabase, the event table must be registered as versioned.
- Browse to the business table for which you want to create an event layer and click Select.If the table you browse to is in the same geodatabase as your LRS Network, you will create a local event. If the table you browse to is outside of the geodatabase, you will create an external event.
The General event properties dialog box is populated with information from the event table.
- Verify and update the rest of the information on the General event properties dialog box as needed.
- Set the Event ID Field that identifies the events.
- Set the Route ID Field that contains information about what route with which the event is associated.
- Set the From Date Field that stores the start date of the event being active.
- Set the To Date Field that stores the end date of the event after which it is retired.
- Set the Time zone for storing the date and time.
- Click Next to set event referent offset field settings. Store referent location with event records is checked by default.
- Set the Offset Unit of Measure field that stores the unit of measure for the offset value.
- Set the Referent Method Field that stores the offset method value.
- Set the Referent Location Field
- Set the Offset Field that contains the values for offsetting the event.
- Set the Offset Units.
- Set the Snap Tolerance.
- Click Finish to register a reference offset event from X and Y locations.
If a message appears that is related to acquiring locks, the need to reconcile, or not being able to acquire locks, and so on, then Roads and Highways conflict prevention is enabled. For more information about these messages, see Conflict prevention in Roads and Highways for Desktop.