Using hosted services with Portal for ArcGIS
Services that you publish to your portal's hosting server can be accessed from various web and desktop applications. These might be ready-made applications, such as ArcMap or the map viewer, or they can be apps that you create with the ArcGIS web or mobile APIs.
New services you publish from the portal web site to your hosting server are private until you choose to share them. Services you publish to My Hosted Services from ArcGIS for Desktop can be shared when you publish or you can share them after publishing. See Administering hosted services to learn how to share your services with more people.
Finding the URLs to your services
To view your services and discover their URLs for use in web apps, log in to the portal website and click My Content. This page shows a table listing all the maps, apps, and services that you've added.
The Type column in the table lists the type of item shared. Your feature services are listed using the Feature Service type, and your tiled map services are listed using the Map Service type.
Corresponding to your services, you'll also see items of type Service Definition. A service definition is a zipped file containing the map, its data, and details about how the service should be published. A service definition can be transferred and published to any machine running ArcGIS for Server.
Click any item of type Feature Service or Map Service to be taken to a page with the item's description and URL. You can copy the URL and use it in your code when you create an app with the ArcGIS web or mobile APIs. Alternatively, you can click Open to view the map in the map viewer. This map viewer is a nice way to build a web map that you can save and reuse later in a web app.
Using your hosted services in ArcGIS for Desktop
To use your services in ArcGIS for Desktop, you must connect ArcGIS for Desktop to your portal. See Managing portal connections for instructions.
Once you have connected to your portal, open the Catalog window in ArcMap and double-click My Hosted Services. If you haven't yet logged in to the portal website, you are prompted to do so. You can then see the list of services available to drag and drop into the ArcMap table of contents.