Example: Copy content
This example copies all the content owned by a member of one portal (A) to another portal (B). The content ownership from portal A is transferred to the account specified in portal B. This is useful in organizations that have two portals. For example, one for internal and external use or an organization that implements a development and production environment. This script can also be used to move content from Portal for ArcGIS to ArcGIS Online and vice versa.
You're required to specify the following information when running the script:
- URL used to access the first portal (A). This can be the ArcGIS Web Adaptor URL, for example, https://webadaptorA.domain.com/arcgis or the URL of the machine hosting the portal, for example, https://portalA.domain.com:7443/arcgis. You must include the fully-qualified domain name of the machine when specifying the URL.
- User name and password of an account that has administrative privileges to portal A.
- User name of account that owns the content that will be copied from portal A to portal B, for example, sarah.
- URL used to access the second portal (B). This can be the ArcGIS Web Adaptor URL, for example, https://webadaptorB.domain.com/arcgis or the URL of the machine hosting the portal, for example, https://portalB.domain.com:7443/arcgis. You must include the fully-qualified domain name of the machine when specifying the URL.
- User name and password of an account that has administrative privileges to portal B.
- User name of account that will own the content copied from portal (A) to portal (B), for example, robert.
- Member folder on portal B where the content will be copied. This location is always the root folder (/). Content cannot be copied to a subfolder under the root folder.
The following example copies all the content owned by member sarah of portal A to member robert of portal B:
python copyContent.py https://webadaptorA.domain.com/arcgis admin pass.word owner:sarah https://webadaptorB.domain.com/arcgis admin password robert /
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Requires Python 2.7+
# Sample Usage:
# python copyContent.py <sourcePortal> <sourceAdmin> <sourcePassword>
# <query> <destinationPortal> <destAdmin>
# <destPassword> <destOwner> <destFolder>
import urllib
import json
import argparse
def generateToken(username, password, portalUrl):
'''Retrieves a token to be used with API requests.'''
parameters = urllib.urlencode({'username' : username,
'password' : password,
'client' : 'referer',
'referer': portalUrl,
'expiration': 60,
'f' : 'json'})
response = urllib.urlopen(portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/generateToken?',
jsonResponse = json.loads(response)
if 'token' in jsonResponse:
return jsonResponse['token']
elif 'error' in jsonResponse:
print jsonResponse['error']['message']
for detail in jsonResponse['error']['details']:
print detail
except ValueError, e:
print 'An unspecified error occurred.'
print e
def searchPortal(portal, query=None, totalResults=None, sortField='numviews',
sortOrder='desc', token=None):
Search the portal using the specified query and search parameters.
Optionally provide a token to return results visible to that user.
# Default results are returned by highest
# number of views in descending order.
allResults = []
if not totalResults or totalResults > 100:
numResults = 100
numResults = totalResults
results = __search__(portal, query, numResults, sortField, sortOrder, 0,
if not 'error' in results.keys():
if not totalResults:
totalResults = results['total'] # Return all of the results.
while (results['nextStart'] > 0 and
results['nextStart'] < totalResults):
# Do some math to ensure it only
# returns the total results requested.
numResults = min(totalResults - results['nextStart'] + 1, 100)
results = __search__(portal=portal, query=query,
numResults=numResults, sortField=sortField,
sortOrder=sortOrder, token=token,
return allResults
print results['error']['message']
return results
def __search__(portal, query=None, numResults=100, sortField='numviews',
sortOrder='desc', start=0, token=None):
'''Retrieve a single page of search results.'''
params = {
'q': query,
'num': numResults,
'sortField': sortField,
'sortOrder': sortOrder,
'f': 'json',
'start': start
if token:
# Adding a token provides an authenticated search.
params['token'] = token
request = portal + '/sharing/rest/search?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
results = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(request).read())
return results
def getUserContent(username, portalUrl, token):
parameters = urllib.urlencode({'token': token, 'f': 'json'})
request = (portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/content/users/' + username +
'?' + parameters)
content = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(request).read())
return content
def getItemDescription(itemId, portalUrl, token):
'''Returns the description for a Portal for ArcGIS item.'''
parameters = urllib.urlencode({'token' : token,
'f' : 'json'})
response = urllib.urlopen(portalUrl + "/sharing/rest/content/items/" +
itemId + "?" + parameters).read()
return response
def getItemData(itemId, portalUrl, token):
'''Returns the description for a Portal for ArcGIS item.'''
parameters = urllib.urlencode({'token' : token,
'f' : 'json'})
response = urllib.urlopen(portalUrl + "/sharing/rest/content/items/" +
itemId + "/data?" + parameters).read()
return response
def addItem(username, folder, description, data, portalUrl, token,
'''Creates a new item in a user's content.'''
parameters = urllib.urlencode({'item': json.loads(description)['title'],
'text': data,
'overwrite': 'false',
'thumbnailurl': thumbnailUrl,
'token' : token,
'f' : 'json'})
postParameters = (urllib.urlencode(json.loads(description))
.replace('None', '') + '&' + parameters)
response = urllib.urlopen(portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/content/users/' +
username + '/' + folder + '/addItem?',
return response
def copyItem(itemId, destinationOwner, destinationFolder, sourcePortal,
sourceToken, destinationPortal=None, destinationToken=None):
Copies an item into a user's account in the specified folder.
Use '/' as the destination folder when moving content into root.
# This function defaults to copying into the same Portal
# and with the same token permissions as the source account.
# If the destination is a different Portal then specify that Portal url
# and include a token with permissions on that instance.
if not destinationPortal:
destinationPortal = sourcePortal
if not destinationToken:
destinationToken = sourceToken
description = getItemDescription(itemId, sourcePortal, sourceToken)
data = getItemData(itemId, sourcePortal, sourceToken)
thumbnail = json.loads(description)['thumbnail']
if thumbnail:
thumbnailUrl = (sourcePortal + '/sharing/rest/content/items/' +
itemId + '/info/' + thumbnail +
'?token=' + sourceToken)
thumbnailUrl = ''
status = addItem(destinationOwner, destinationFolder, description,
data, destinationPortal, destinationToken,
return json.loads(status)
# Run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help=('url of the source Portal (e.g. '
parser.add_argument('sourceAdmin', help='source admin username')
parser.add_argument('sourcePassword', help='source admin password')
parser.add_argument("query", help='search string to find content')
help=('url of the destination Portal (e.g. '
parser.add_argument('destAdmin', help='destination admin username')
parser.add_argument('destPassword', help='destination admin password')
parser.add_argument('owner', help='destination account to copy to')
parser.add_argument('folder', help='destination folder to copy to')
# Read the command line arguments.
args = parser.parse_args()
sourcePortal = args.sourcePortal
sourceAdmin = args.sourceAdmin
sourcePassword = args.sourcePassword
query = args.query
destPortal = args.destPortal
destAdmin = args.destAdmin
destPassword = args.destPassword
owner = args.owner
folder = args.folder
# Get a token for the source Portal for ArcGIS.
sourceToken = generateToken(username=sourceAdmin, password=sourcePassword,
# Get a token for the destination Portal for ArcGIS.
destToken = generateToken(username=destAdmin, password=destPassword,
# Get the destination folder ID.
folderId = ''
destUser = getUserContent(owner, destPortal, destToken)
for folder in destUser['folders']:
if folder['title'] == folder:
folderId = folder['id']
# Get a list of the content matching the query.
content = searchPortal(portal=sourcePortal,
# Copy the content into the destination user's account.
for item in content:
result = copyItem(item['id'], owner, folderId, sourcePortal,
sourceToken, destPortal, destToken)
if 'success' in result:
print 'successfully copied ' + item['type'] + ': ' + item['title']
elif 'error' in result:
print 'error copying ' + item['type'] + ': ' + item['title']
print result['error']['message']
for detail in result['error']['details']:
print detail
print 'error copying ' + item['type'] + ': ' + item['title']
'error copying ' + item['type'] + ': ' + item['title']
print 'Copying complete.'