Supported web map features
Supported web map layers
When you create a WebMap from an ArcGIS Online web map, the web map's layers get converted to layer types from the Java Runtime API based on the web map's JSON. For more information on the JSON structure of web maps, see Understanding the map format. The list that follows associates the layers you can add to an ArcGIS Online web map to layer types in the ArcGIS Runtime Java API.
- ArcGIS Map Service layers:
- with tile cache: creates an ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer;
- without tile cache: creates an ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer;
- ArcGIS Feature Service layers: creates an ArcGISFeatureLayer;
- ArcGIS Image Service layers: creates an ArcGISImageServiceLayer;
- Bing Maps basemaps: creates a BingMapsLayer;
In order for your web map's Bing Maps basemap to display in a Java application, you must set a Bing Maps key by calling setBingKey("your key here") on the WebMap object;
- OpenStreetMap basemap: creates an OpenStreetMapLayer;
- layer from KML via URL: creates a KMLLayer;
- layer from CSV (from file or by referencing a URL
The URL of the CSV, KML, KMZ (compressed KML) file must be publicly accessible in order for the layer to display in a Java application. If you have added a file to your ArcGIS Online account, the file/resource must be public.
- GPX: creates an ArcGISFeatureLayer feature collection.
Disabling editing on feature layers
When you add a layer from a editable feature server to an ArcGIS web map, you have the option to disable editing for this layer. You can do so with the ArcGIS Online web map editor by clicking on the layer and selecting from the list of options 'Disable Editing' (or conversely if editing is disabled, 'Enable Editing' will show as the option). If you save the web map with the editing disabled on a feature layer and open this web map within a Java application, edits on this layer will not be permitted within the Java application. The reverse is not true: you cannot enable editing via the ArcGIS Online web map editor on a layer from a feature service which is not editable. Note that you cannot edit layers created manually within ArcGIS Online: the ArcGIS Runtime Java API turns these layers into feature collections. As with these feature collections you cannot apply edits back to a server, editing is disabled within the Java application.
Setting a minimum and maximum scale on layers
When you create or edit a web map on ArcGIS Online, you can set a minimum and maximum scale on any layer. This is done by clicking on the layer in the table of contents and from the resulting list of options, choosing 'Set Visibility Range'. In ArcGIS Explorer Online, the equivalent option is available by clicking on the layer, the clicking on 'Configure...' in the 'Scale Range' control. Having set a minimum scale on a layer in a web map, the layer will no longer display when you are zoomed out past this scale.; if you've set a maximum scale on a layer, the layer will no longer display if you are zoomed in beyond this scale.