ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF - Library Reference
MapPointToUsng Method
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry Namespace > CoordinateConversion Class : MapPointToUsng Method

A MapPoint representing the location to be converted.
A System.Int32 between 1 and 5 indicating the required precision of returned USNG coordinate string.
true if the MGRS coordinate should be rounded to produce a lower precision coordinate notation; otherwise false to truncate the coordinate notation.
true if spaces should be added to the returned USNG coordinate notation; otherwise false.
Converts a MapPoint geometry to a coordinate notation string in the United States National Grid (USNG) format.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Shared Function MapPointToUsng( _
   ByVal point As MapPoint, _
   ByVal numberOfDigits As Integer, _
   ByVal roundToNearestWholeNumber As Boolean, _
   ByVal addSpaces As Boolean _
) As String
public static string MapPointToUsng( 
   MapPoint point,
   int numberOfDigits,
   bool roundToNearestWholeNumber,
   bool addSpaces



The number of digits refers to the digits in each part of the numerical grid reference and must be a value between 1 and 5, indicating the precision as follows:

  • 1 digit represents 10,000m precision e.g. 18SUUJ80
  • 2 digits represents 1,000m precision e.g. 18SUJ8401
  • 3 digits represents 100m precision e.g. 18SUJ836014
  • 4 digits represents 10m precision e.g. 18SUJ83630143
  • 5 digits represents 1m precision e.g. 18SUJ8362601432


A MapPoint representing the location to be converted.
A System.Int32 between 1 and 5 indicating the required precision of returned USNG coordinate string.
true if the MGRS coordinate should be rounded to produce a lower precision coordinate notation; otherwise false to truncate the coordinate notation.
true if spaces should be added to the returned USNG coordinate notation; otherwise false.

Return Value

A System.String in the requested coordinate notation format representing the location defined by the MapPoint.


System.ArgumentExceptionThe numerOfDigits parameter must be greater than or equal to 1.


Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows 7, Windows 8

See Also

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