Adding layers to a map
The ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF provides a set of predefined map layer types to add to a Map control. Layer types include map service layers, such as ArcGIS for Server and Bing Maps; feature layers, which represent graphic features in layers hosted by an ArcGIS for Server map service or tables hosted by a spatial data service; and graphics layers for native graphic feature display.
Layers are added to a Map control's layer's collection via the Layers property. The following items should be considered when adding layers to a map:
- Layers are drawn bottom to top, so the first layer in the layer collection is drawn on top of it, in the order listed.
- The first layer with a valid spatial reference defines the spatial reference for the map.
Map service layers
Map service layers come in two varieties: tiled and dynamic. Tiled service layers provide access to a set of map image tiles organized into predefined scale levels and hosted on a remote server. Dynamic service layers provide access to map and image services that generate map images on the fly.
The following table lists the map service layer types included with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF and their descriptions. Use the layer types to add layers to your map.
Service host | Map service layer type | Description |
ArcGIS for Server | ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer | ArcGIS for Server cached map service hosting a set of map image tiles. |
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer | ArcGIS for Server non-cached map service that generates map images on the fly. Non-cached map services provide dynamic access to both vector and raster data sources. | |
ArcGISImageServiceLayer | ArcGIS for Server image service that generates map images on the fly. Image services provide dynamic access to raster data sources. | |
Local server | ArcGISLocalTiledLayer | Local cached map containing a set of image tiles. |
ArcGISLocalDynamicMapServiceLayer | Local non-cached map providing dynamic access to both vector and raster data sources. | |
Bing Maps map imagery layer. Provides access to precached roads and aerial imagery. |
Feature layers
Feature layers represent layers that contain features (geometry and attributes) and are hosted by a service. The FeatureLayer type provides a convenient class to reference a feature layer in an ArcGIS for Server map service or a spatial table using a spatial data service. The Url property of a FeatureLayer defines the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) endpoint to a service that provides access to the layer or table. Graphic features are retrieved from the service and rendered on the client using graphic capabilities native to the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF. See What is a feature layer? for more information on creating and defining feature layer properties.