Analyzing a package

The Analyze analyze icon button on the packaging window identifies potential problems and errors that you will need to address before you can share your GIS resource as a package. When you click the Analyze button, the Prepare window opens with a list of issues you need to address. If the list is empty, that means there are no issues. Once you have addressed all of these issues, your package is ready to share.

Analyzer messages

When analyzing your package, you may receive three types of messages in the Prepare window: Error, Warning, or Message. You can right-click each entry in the list to get a quick suggestion on how you can address that specific issue. This will also give you access to a help topic with more information, such as additional repair options. The item in bold in each list will provide the default approach for addressing each issue.




error icon

These are issues that must be fixed before you can share your package


warning icon

These are issues in which performance, appearance, or data access may be affected.

You have the option to address or ignore a warning.


message icon

These informative messages suggest methods and best-practices that can help you optimize your package.

You have the option to address or ignore a message.

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