Getting started

To enhance the developer experience, project and item templates have been added to the Visual Studio integrated developer environment (IDE) for add-in development. The ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF Integration Framework is an optional installation feature included with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF install. Templates are available in the languages Visual C# or Visual Basic.

A project template includes all the files and property settings necessary to begin a specific type of WPF project. You can create new projects for customization by using a project template.

Getting started with a custom widget add-in

  1. If you haven't already, installation and setup the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF, which includes Visual Studio templates, and also references to the required assemblies.
  2. In Visual Studio, click File > New > Project.

    The New Project dialog box appears with the list of installed templates.

  3. Navigate to Visual C# or Visual Basic > Windows > ArcGIS.

    You should see the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS Add-in Library template.

  4. Select this template, type a Name, enter a Location, and click OK.

    A new add-in project is created and opened. Notice the following:

    • The template initially contains no classes; you will add the classes you require by using the provided item templates.
    • In the Project References notice that the ESRI.ArcGIS.Client and ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard libraries are present with CopyLocal property set to False.
    • In Project Properties -> Debug, notice that default debugging options have been set, with Start Action set to OperationsDashboard.exe, and the Command line arguments contain an /addinpath parameter with the path of the current project build output location.
  5. Click Project -> Add New Item.

    The New Item dialog box appears with the list of installed templates.

  6. Navigate to Visual C# or Visual Basic > WPF > ArcGIS.

    You should see the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS item templates for Feature Action, Map Tool, Map Toolbar and Widget.

  7. Select the Widget template, type a Name, and click OK.

    The following items are added to the project:

    • A new Widget.xaml file with corresponding Widget.xaml.cs code behind file. This item defines the custom widget.
    • A Config folder containing a WidgetDialog.xaml file with corresponding WidgetDialog.xaml.cs code behind file. This item defines a configuration dialog for the custom widget.
    • An Images folder containing an image file. This item defines the icon for the custom widget.
  8. Build and Run the project. The Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS application should appear. Open or create a new operation view that has at least one data source. Now click the Add Widget dialog box and locate the new custom widget, select it, and click OK to add it to the operation view.

Related topics

Installation and setup

Overview of developing add-ins

Overview of widgets map tools and feature actions

Testing add-ins

Overview of deploying add-ins
