Essential vocabulary


A container for custom widgets, map tools, map toolbars and/or feature actions developed for the application. A zip file containing an add-in assembly may be referred to as an add-in. Add-ins are stored and shared via ArcGIS Online or a Portal for ArcGIS.

add-in project

A Visual Studio project that contains the implementation of custom widgets, map tools, map toolbars and/or feature actions.

add-in assembly

The assembly created by compiling an add-in project.

custom feature action

A class implementing IFeatureAction that is developed using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF and contained in an add-in, providing additional functionality for a specific feature that can be re-used in any widgets that support feature actions.

custom map tool

A class implementing IMapTool that is developed using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF and contained in an add-in, providing additional map functions that can be re-used in a map widget toolbar.

custom map toolbar

A class implementing IMapToolbar that is developed using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF and contained in an add-in, providing additional functionality that can be set as the toolbar in a map widget.

custom widget

A class implementing IWidget that is developed using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF and contained in an add-in, providing additional functionality that can be added to an operational view as a widget.

data source consumer

A widget that consumes a specific data source by implementing the IDataSourceConsumer interface, and responding when the data source is updated.

data source provider

A widget that provides a data source that other widgets can consume, for example the list or map widgets. Custom widgets cannot be data source providers.

dynamic data source

A data source that has been configured as Dynamic. Data sources should be configured to be Dynamic when it is expected that the underlying data in the service changes regularly.

map consumer

A widget that consumes a specific map widget that is part of the same operational view, by implementing the IMapConsumer interface.

static data source

A data source that has been configured as Static. Data sources should be configured to be Static when it is expected that the underlying data in the service does not change during the life of the application.
