License your app

As a registered ArcGIS developer who has downloaded and installed an ArcGIS Runtime SDK, you have access to all the functionality in the API for development and testing purposes. When you are ready to deploy your application you must include an appropriate deployment license.

During development and testing you will notice any use of Standard level functionality (i.e. the LocalServer) will result in a message stating the ArcGIS Runtime is licensed for development and testing purposes only. You can simply click Ok on this dialog, acknowledging you are required to license your application for deployment.

After you license your app with a deployment license string (for example " runtimestandard,101,rud123456789,none,abcdefg123456"), the development message box will no longer be displayed and your app can be deployed. To license your app for deployment you just need to add a few simple lines of code, as described below.

ArcGIS Runtime SDK applications are licensed at either the:

The table below shows which functionality will work for these license levels:

License level

Available functionality

Developer (no license set)

All functionality including all Local Server extensions (development use only message box will be displayed by the LocalServer once during initialization)


All functionality except LocalServer.


All functionality including LocalServer and extensions. Note extensions require additional licenses.

License your app at the Basic level

Deploying an app with only Basic level functionality is free. You do not need to do anything to license your app at the Basic license level. However, Basic license strings from previous versions are still supported and will be validated by the ArcGIS Runtime if specified in the SetLicense method call. Note although it is not necessary to set a Basic license string, you should still call the ArcGISRuntime.Initialize() method early in your application initialization. The initialize method call validates any licenses provided and verifies the ArcGIS Runtime deployment is valid.

License your app at the Standard level

  1. In order to deploy an app with Standard level functionality you need to obtain a license string from customer service or your Esri distributor or use your existing pre-10.2.2 license string.
  2. Using the following code example, set the license code in your app before any ArcGIS Runtime SDK functionality is used.

    // Enable Standard level functionality in your app using your license code

  3. If your application uses functionality which requires access to the Local Server extensions, you must also set extension license strings. The example below shows all extensions being licensed, but you only need to license the extension(s) you are using.

        "runtimestandard,101,rud00000,none, XXXXXXX",
        "runtimespatial,101,rud00000,none, XXXXXXX",
        "runtimenetwork,101,rud00000,none, XXXXXXX",
        "runtime3d,101,rud00000,none, XXXXXXX");

Your app will now function offline or online with Standard functionality without any time limitations.
