Web Connector Configuration

The Tracking Server Web Connector has several configuration options that impact its behavior. Configuration parameters are found within the trackingWebConnectorConfiguration tags in the Web.config file in the Web Connector installation location. These parameters can be modified by the server administrator. The parameters are divided into three sections, and each parameter is described in detail below:

Web Connector Configuration Parameters

Web Connector parameters are found within the trackingWebConnectorConfiguration tags in the Web.config file.


Tracking Gateway Section

The Web Connector must connect to a Tracking Gateway, just like any other Tracking Server client application. Tracking Gateway parameters are enclosed in the trackingGatewaySection tags.

Host Name

The hostName parameter is the name of the server hosting the Tracking Gateway that the Web Connector will connect to. For a standard Tracking Server installation, this is typically the same server that Tracking Server is running on, but it may be different.


The port parameter is the port number to connect to the Tracking Gateway. The default value for a standard Tracking Server installation is 5506, but it may be different.


The username parameter is the username required to access the Tracking Server Gateway, if security is enabled.


The password parameter is the password required to access the Tracking Server Gateway, if security is enabled.

Tracking Server Section

In addition to distributing data from Tracking Server, the Web Connector has the ability to publish CSV data back to Tracking Server. To do this, a pre-configured TCP connection to the Generic Input Data Link is required. This connection must be configured properly in Tracking Server Manager in order for the Web Connector to function properly, and the parameters enclosed in the trackingServerSection must match it.

Refer to the Web Connector Setup documentation to learn more about configuring the Generic Input Data Link connection in Tracking Server Manager.

Host Name

The hostName parameter is the name of the server hosting Tracking Server. This Tracking Server must have a pre-configured TCP connection to the Generic Input Data Link.

Generic Input Port

The genericInputPort parameter specifies the port number for the pre-configured Generic Input Data Link connection. Typically, port 5555 is used, but a different port number can be used.

Web Connector Section

Parameters enclosed in the trackingGatewaySection tags affect the behavior of the Web Connector component itself, including a few parameters that affect the Web Connector's cache management strategy.

Host Name

The hostName parameter specifies the name of the server that the Web Connector is running on. Typically, the Web Connector will be running on the same machine as the Tracking Gateway, but it is possible to have the Web Connector running on a different machine. If you want to access Web Connector KML services from other machines, this parameter can not be set to localhost. It must be explicitly set to the correct host name.

Site Name

The siteName parameter specifies the URL site name sub-path (the portion of the URL after "http://[HostName]/") to the Web Connector web application. It is not the physical sub-folder location on disk. This parameter allows the user to install the Web Connector in a different folder location than the location specified in the URL.

Auto-Subscribe To All Services

The autoSubscribeToAllServices parameter is a boolean parameter that determines whether the Web Connector will automatically subscribe to all available services. It is useful to be automatically subscribed to services, because it allows the Web Connector to continuously manage a cache of observations that can be used to respond to incoming requests. If the Web Connector is not set to auto-subscribe to all services, then it will only subscribe to services as needed to accomodate incoming requests.

Auto-Unsubscribe Service Idle Time (in seconds)

The autoUnSubscribeServiceIdleTimeInSeconds parameter specifies the amount of inactivity (idle time) that will result in automatically unsubcribing from a service. For example, if this parameter is set to 30 seconds, then the Web Connector will automatically unsubscribe from services if a request has not been received in the last 30 seconds. The default setting of -1 for this paramter indicates that the Web Connector will never automatically unsubscribe from services.

Maximum Observations Per Track

The maxObservationsPerTrack parameter specifies the maximum number of observations that the Web Connector will store in its cache for each unique track in each service. While it is subscribed to a service, the Web Connector continuously manages its cache. If the maximum number of observations is reached for a track, old observations will be deleted as new observations come in.
