Uploading the map to the mobile content server
Once you've created your map and properly validated the JSON structure, add your map to the mobile content server. See the following steps:
- Click the Add Item supported operation link.
Enter your credentials.
When you click the link, you'll be prompted to enter a username and password. You need to enter a valid username and password that's inside the agsadmin group on your web server. If you've created a local account (not a domain-based account) on the web server, you don't need to include the domain name in your username entry, as the server will assume it's a local user and will try to use it to authenticate.
If you're using Internet Explorer (IE), you have Windows Integrated Authentication turned on, and your log in account and machine are in the same domain as your server machine, IE will use Windows Authentication to automatically verify your login credentials, and you won't be prompted to enter credentials. Keep in mind that Windows Authentication only works if you enter only a machine name (such as http://servername) and not a fully-qualified domain name (such as http://servername.mydomain.com).
- On the Add Item page, enter the requested information about your map. See the following example:
- Text—This is the JSON for the map. Copy and paste your map content into the text field.
{ "version":"1.1", "operationalLayers":[], "baseMap":{ "baseMapLayers":[{ "opacity":1, "url":"http://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer", "visibility":true}], "title":"Topographic"} }
- Item—A unique identifier for the map (you don't need to enter any details here).
- Overwrite existing file—Determines whether the file will replace an existing map with the same Item value.
- Name—A user-friendly name for the map.
Rose Bowl in Pasadena
- Title—The name of your map. The title appears at the rest endpoint and can be different than the Name.
Rose Bowl in Pasadena
- Description—A long description detailing metadata content for the map.
This map features a detailed view of the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, site of the 2010 BCS Championship football game. The Rose Bowl is one of the featured areas of the City of Pasadena, California basemap that was recently added to the World Topographic Map.
- Snippet—A short description about the map. Also referred to as the Summary in ArcGIS Online.
This map features a detailed view of the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, site of the 2010 BCS Championship football game.
- Extent—The bounding coordinates in format "xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax" using a geographic coordinate system (GCS).
-118.1712, 34.1594, -118.1627, 34.1632
- Thumbnail—You can upload a default image to represent the map. If you create a thumbnail, use a small Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file representing the map extent or another image that would be meaningful to a map user browsing the server for an appropriate map.
- Type—The type is Web Map. Do not change this.
- Format—Determines whether the response will be in HTML or JSON. Leave as HTML.
- Text—This is the JSON for the map. Copy and paste your map content into the text field.
- Click the Add Item button at the bottom of the page.
- Browse to your content server's directory to see your added map.