Crear el servicio de descarga de dataset predefinido de INSPIRE

Crear el servicio de descarga de dataset predefinido de INSPIRE

Es posible crear un servicio de descarga de dataset predefinido de INSPIRE basado en la implementación ATOM de la Guía técnica para la implementación de servicios de descarga de INSPIRE versión 3.1.

Para habilitar el servicio de descarga de datasets predefinido de INSPIRE se necesitan los archivos de entrada siguientes:

  1. Archivo de servicio ATOM: Este el archivo del nivel más alto del servicio ATOM que contiene los vínculos a los archivos del dataset de ATOM. Los vínculos a cada archivo de dataset ATOM son entradas separadas. A continuación se indica un ejemplo.
  2. Archivo de dataset ATOM: Este archivo contiene vínculos a los datasets. Puede contener varias entradas para el dataset y cada entrada representa una combinación de CRS y formato de datos para el dataset. A continuación se indica un ejemplo.
  3. Archivo descriptor de OpenSearch: Este archivo define las operaciones de OpenSearch para el servicio de descarga de INSPIRE basado en ATOM, que incluye: 1) q para la búsqueda de parámetros en texto libre, 2) describe el dataset espacial y 3) la operación de recuperar dataset espacial. A continuación se indica un ejemplo.
Los archivos de entrada deben estar almacenados en una carpeta accesible. El usuario que habilite y configure el servicio de descarga de dataset predefinido de INSPIRE debe disponer de permisos de acceso de escritura en la carpeta de salida de ArcGIS for Server (por ejemplo: C:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgisforinspire).

Es posible crear más de un archivo de servicio y de dataset ATOM para admitir más de un idioma en un solo servicio. Los vínculos mutuos entre estos archivos deben estar rellenados correctamente para que se devuelva el contenido correcto en las operaciones que dependen del idioma. Consulte la Guía técnica para la implementación de servicios de descarga de INSPIRE ( para obtener una descripción detallada de las especificaciones de idioma.

Cómo se crea el servicio de descarga de dataset predefinido de INSPIRE

El servicio de descarga de dataset predefinido de INSPIRE se puede habilitar sobre cualquier servicio de mapas y se recomienda habilitarlo en combinación con un servicio de visualización o descarga de entidades de INSPIRE. Siga los pasos a continuación:

  1. Inicie ArcCatalog 10.2.1
  2. Seleccione el servicio al que desee agregar el servicio de descargas de dataset predefinido de INSPIRE
  3. Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en el servicio y haga clic en Propiedades del servicio.
  4. Vaya a la sección Capacidades y habilite el servicio de descarga de dataset predefinido de INSPIRE.
  5. Haga clic en las capacidades del servicio de descarga de dataset predefinido de INSPIRE.
  6. Haga clic en "Elegir archivo atom del servicio de descarga", seleccione el archivo ATOM del servicio y haga clic en Abrir.
  7. Haga clic en el botón Aceptar. Si se produce algún error de validación en el archivo de entrada, repita estos pasos después de corregir el error.

Después de reiniciar el servicio, el servicio de descarga de datasets predefinido de INSPIRE configurado queda expuesto al directorio REST de ArcGIS Server (por ejemplo http://servername:6080/arcgis/rest/services/<nombre_del_servicio>/MapServer/exts/InspirePredefinedDatasetDownload).


Esta sección proporciona archivos de ejemplo ATOM para servicios y datasets, y de descriptores de OpenSearch.

  1. ATOM de servicio
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!--please referrence Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services ( for detailed descriptions of each elements-->
    <feed xmlns="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:inspire_dls="" xml:lang="en">
      <!-- title for the download service ATOM (required), see example below -->
    <title>a human readable title for the feed</title>
      <!-- subtitle (optional), see example below -->
    <subtitle>The subtitle of an Atom feed</subtitle>
    <!-- metadata link for this download service ATOM (required), see example below -->
    <link href="http://servername/geoportal/rest/document?id={5A0A943B-D6AE-403D-886B-B02944D0E4B3}" rel="describedby" type="application/xml"/>
    <!-- link to service atom file itself (required), 
    please match the file name with the actual name of the download service ATOM file, 
    it should be a local file path (absolute or related), not remote urls
    see example below -->
    <link href="serviceatoma1.xml" hreflang="en" rel="self" title="This document" type="application/atom+xml"/>
    <!-- link to opensearch description document (required), please match the actual download service ATOM file name used for the opensearch descripton document, see example below -->
    <link title="Open Search Description" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" rel="search" href="opensearchdescriptiona1.xml" hreflang="en"/>
    <!-- id references to the download service ATOM file (required), it should match with the href attribute value of the link with the rel value "self".
    see example below -->
    <!-- rights or restrictions for download service ATOM (required), see example below -->
    <rights>Copyright (c) 2012, XYZ; all rights reserved</rights>
    <!-- updated (required), contain the date, time and timezone at which the download service ATOM was last updated -->
    <!-- author (required), contact information for an individual or organisation responsible for the download service ATOM  -->
     <name>FirstName LastName</name> 
      <!-- dataset entry ( at least one entry is required, you can add multiple entries if you need to serve multiple dataset atom files) -->  
    <!-- spatial dataset uri code (required), spatial_dataset_identifier_code and spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace elements together define the Spatial Dataset Unique Resource Identifier for the dataset -->
    <!-- namespace (required) -->  
    <!-- link to the dataset metadata record (required) -->
    <link href="http://servername/geoportal/rest/document?id={5A0A943B-D6AE-403D-886B-B02944D0E4B3}" rel="describedby" type="application/xml"/>
    <!-- link to dataset atom file (required) -->
    <link rel="alternate" href="datasetatoma1.xml" type="application/atom+xml" hreflang="en" title="dataset link"/>
    <!-- optional link to download services getcapabilities (only required for hybrid implementations) -->  
    <link rel="related" href="http://servername/arcgis/rest/services/a4iatom/MapServer/exts/InspireFeatureDownload/service?Request=GetCapabilities&amp;service=WFS" type="application/xml" title="Service implementing Direct Access operations"/>
    <!-- id to the dataset atom file (required), the file should match with link to dataset atom file -->
    <!-- title for the dataset (required) -->
     <title>The dataset title</title> 
    <!-- updated (required), the date, time and timezone at which the entry was last updated -->
      <!-- rights (optional, only required if different from the feed section) -->  
    <rights>Copyright (c) 2012, XYZ; all rights reserved</rights>
      <!-- author (optional, only required if different from the feed section) -->
          <name>FirstName LastName</name>
      <!-- summary (optional), detailed description of the dataset entry -->
    <summary>this is a summary data for this dataset</summary>
      <!-- georss (optional), the bounding box of the dataset -->
      <georss:polygon>47.202 5.755 55.183 5.755 55.183 15.253 47.202 15.253 47.202 5.755</georss:polygon>
    <!-- CRS (required), refer to a known definition of a coordinate reference system -->
    <category term="" label="ETRS89"/>
      <!-- add additional entry section if needed -->
  2. ATOM de dataset
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!--please referrence Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services ( for detailed descriptions of each elements-->
    <feed xmlns ="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:inspire_dls="" xml:lang="en">
     <!-- title for the dataset ATOM (required), see example below  -->
     <title>Title of dataset ATOM</title>
     <!-- subtitle for the dataset ATOM (optional), see example below  -->
    <subtitle>Subtitle of dataset ATOM</subtitle>
      <!-- metadata link for this dataset ATOM (required), see example below -->
    <link href="http://servername/geoportal/rest/document?id={5A0A943B-D6AE-403D-886B-B02944D0E4B3}" rel="describedby" type="application/xml"/>
      <!-- link to dataset ATOM file itself (required), 
    please match the file name with the actual name of the dataset ATOM file, 
    it should be a local file path (absolute or related), not remote urls, see example below -->
    <link href="datasetatoma1.xml" hreflang="en" rel="self" title="This document" type="application/atom+xml"/>
      <!-- link to parent download service ATOM (optional)  -->
      <link href="serviceatoma1.xml" rel="up" type="application/atom+xml" hreflang="en" title="The parent service feed document"/>
      <!-- id references the dataset ATOM file (required), it should match with the href attribute value of the link with the rel value "self". see example below -->  
      <!-- rights or restrictions for download service ATOM (required), see example below -->
    <rights>Copyright (c) 2012, XYZ; all rights reserved</rights>
      <!-- updated (required), the date, time and timezone at which the dataset ATOM was last updated -->
      <!-- author (required), contact information for an individual or organisation responsible for the dataset ATOM  -->
    <name>Firstname Lastname</name>
    <!-- link to spatial object type (required), the link shall refer to the INSPIRE Registry unless the data does not conform to any Data Specification in which case a link to a local definition of the Spatial Object Type shall be used instead. -->
    <link href="" rel="describedby" type="text/html" hreflang="en" title="title"/>
      <!-- downloadable file entry (at least one entry is required), there should be one entry for each format and CRS combination -->
        <!-- title for this dataset entry (required) -->
        <title>title for the dataset entry</title>
        <!-- updated (required), the date, time and timezone at which the dataset entry was last updated -->    
        <!-- id to this dataset entry (required) -->    
        <!-- link to dataset (required). Note that the type attribute must reflect one of the types listed in the openSearch descritor document -->
        <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/x-filegdb" hreflang="en" length="34987" title="The dataset encoded as a dataset in WGS84 in zip format"/> 
        <!-- NOTE: if you have multiple dataset, a description of the dataset structure shall be provided either in an atom 'content' element as free text, or in an external document. See example below-->
    <content>description of the dataset that has multiple physical files</content>
    <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" title="Description of Water Network files"/>
    <!-- link to each file for dataset containing multiple datasets, only apply if there are multiple files in a dataset, one link for each physical file. --> 
    <link rel="section" href=""  type="application/x-filegdb" hreflang="en" title="Water Network encoded as a GeoTiff – part 1" bbox="50.0 5.0 50.9 5.9" time="2012-06-01T13:00:00Z" />
    <link rel="section" href="" type="application/x-filegdb" hreflang="en" title="Water Network encoded as a GeoTiff – part 2" bbox="50.0 5.0 50.9 5.9" time="2012-06-01T13:00:00Z" />
        <!-- CRS (required), refer to a known definition of a coordinate reference system -->
    <category term ="" label=" ETRS89"/>
        <!-- georss (optional), the bounding box of the dataset -->
        <georss:polygon>47.202 5.755 55.183 5.755 55.183 15.253 47.202 15.253 47.202 5.755</georss:polygon>
      <!-- add additional entry section if needed -->
  3. Descriptor de OpenSearch
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!--please referrence Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services ( for detailed descriptions of each elements-->
    <OpenSearchDescription xmlns="" xmlns:inspire_dls="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <!-- shortname (required by the opensearch specification)-->
    <!-- description (required by the opensearch specification)-->
    <Description>ArcGIS for INSPIRE OpenSearch Description</Description>
    <!-- name of the opensearch document (required), the name should match with the name of the actual file-->
     <Url type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" rel="self" template="opensearchdescriptiona1.xml"/> 
    <!-- url  template for general search queries required, do not modify the URL. The prefix URL will be replaced with what is defined in ArcCatalog for Predefined Download Service settings (online resource) when the service is created, the url may depend on web adaptor settings-->
    <Url type="text/html" rel="results" template="http://inspiresrv2:6080/arcgis/rest/services/a4imxd/MapServer/exts/InspirePredefinedDatasetDownload/openSearch?q={searchTerms}"/>
    <!-- url template for describe spatial dataset operation (required), the prefix URL will be replaced with what is defined in ArcCatalog for Predefined Download Service settings (online resource) when the service is created, the url may depend on web adaptor settings-->
    <Url type="application/atom+xml" rel="describedby" template="http://inspiresrv2:6080/arcgis/rest/services/a4imxd/MapServer/exts/InspirePredefinedDatasetDownload/openSearch?spatial_dataset_identifier_code={inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_code}&amp;spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace={inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace}&amp;language={language}"/>
      <!-- NOTE: the following sections may need modifications -->
      <!-- url template for get spatial dataset operation (required). The prefix URL will be replaced with what is defined in ArcCatalog for Predefined Download Service settings (online resource) when the service is created, the url may depend on web adaptor settings. 
      The following is an example for get spatial dataset operation for format type application/x-filegdb, if you have other format types, add additional url templates.  -->
    <Url type="application/zip" rel="results" template="http://inspiresrv2:6080/arcgis/rest/services/a4imxd/MapServer/exts/InspirePredefinedDatasetDownload/openSearch?spatial_dataset_identifier_code={inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_code}&amp;spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace={inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace}&amp;crs={inspire_dl:crs}&amp;language={language}&amp;type=application/x-filegdb"/>
    <!-- query element (required)-->
    <Query role="example" inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace="" inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_code="waternetwork" inspire_dls:crs="" language="en" title="a4i" count="1"/>
    <!-- at least language element required-->
