Schematic analyst—Find Connected trace task properties

When the Find Connected schematic analyst trace task is chosen in the Trace Task drop-down list, clicking the Trace Task Properties button Trace Task Properties opens its associated properties tab as follows:

Schematic Network Analyst Trace dialog box—Find Connected

Selection options

The choices in Selection options specify whether the schematic nodes and schematic links detected by the schematic analyst trace task will appear selected in the active schematic diagram at the end of the trace task operation.

The figures below show the results of the Find Connected schematic analyst trace task starting from a selected schematic node with or without barriers positioned on some schematic links.

Find Connected—result without barriers
Find Connected—results with barriers

Flow direction options

The Flow direction options specify whether the Find Connected schematic analyst trace task must work with flow directions. Three types of analysis can be performed:

The figures below show the result of the Find Connected trace task starting from a selected schematic node when the Use flow option is checked:

Find Connected—results when Use Flow check box is checked

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