Create Index Table (Production Mapping)

Nivel de licencia:BasicStandardAdvanced


The Create Index Table tool produces a map index table from a series of feature classes. For example, this tool could produce a table of cities and counties in which a set of streets are located. You can embed this table as a surround element in an ArcGIS page layout.



CreateIndexTable_production (in_index_features, index_fields, in_overlay_features, out_table, {threshold})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The feature class used to create a table that contains index data.

Feature Layer

The attribute fields that you want to include in the output table. Each unique combination of field values will result in a unique record in the output table.

[[Overlay Features, {Field}, {Join}],...]

The features against which you want to index the Input Features (in_index_features) parameter. For example, if you want to show a grid cell in which a city is located, you can add the grid cell's feature class to this parameter. The Join value in this parameter controls whether multiple resulting matches are joined by a comma-separated list or if each successful match results in a new record in the output table.


You can only specify one feature class when you run this tool using an ArcGIS for Desktop Standard or ArcGIS for Desktop Basic license.

Value Table

The output table that will contain the resulting index data.


The minimum size of a part of the index feature that will be included in the output table expressed as a percentage of the feature's total size (that is, length for lines and area for polygons). This parameter is used to prevent small portions of the index feature (for example, a small segment of a street located in a certain city) from being included in the output.

For example, if you set the parameter value to 5, portions of a street line that are less than 5 percent of the line's total length will be ignored in the output.


Ejemplo de código

CreateIndexTable example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the CreateIndexTable tool.

import arcpy

# set gp environment variables
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = False

# in_index_features parameter
roadL = "TopographicMap/RoadL"
roadLyr = "roadLayer"

# Create a fishnet to simulate a grid to use in the in_overlay_features parameter
overlayFeatures = "overlayFeatures"
overlayFeaturesLyr = "overlayFeatures_layer"
origin="-97.7500000098922 30.2499999994191"
yAxis="-97.7500000098922 40.2499999994191"
arcpy.CreateFishnet_management(overlayFeatures,origin, yAxis,"#","#","2","2","#","NO_LABELS",roadL,"POLYGON")

# add a field to the fishnet feature class and calc it

# add outputs to map for following operations
arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = True

# Make Feature Layer for the in_index_features parameter
if arcpy.Exists(roadLyr) == False:
    arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(roadL, roadLyr)

# Make Feature Layer for the in_overlayFeatures parameter
if arcpy.Exists(overlayFeaturesLyr) == False:
   arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(overlayFeatures, overlayFeaturesLyr)

# output index table (created in the current workspace)
roadIndextable = "roadL_indextable"

# execute Create Index Table
arcpy.CreateIndexTable_production(roadLyr, "FCsubtype", overlayFeaturesLyr + " gridnumber true", roadIndextable, "10")


Temas relacionados

Información sobre licencias

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: No
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Requiere Production Mapping
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Requiere Production Mapping