Export To MGCP (Defense Mapping)
Exports Topographic Features Data Management (TFDM) DatasetAreas and CollectionAreas features to Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) Cell, Subregion, and Source metadata feature classes in an MGCP geodatabase.
This tool creates new features in the MGCP metadata feature classes. Existing features in the MGCP geodatabase are not overwritten. The new features have some attribute values from the source TFDM data.
The tool sets the following four attributes in new features in the Cell feature class:
MGCP Cell field name
Value written to field
Generated dynamically from geometry
https://www.mgcp.ws/ + CELLID
Data conforms to a 50k or 100k density extraction from imagery using the LTDS-DCS v3.0, with ancillary source data used as needed to supplement the population of attribute that cannot be identified from imagery.
Standard Cell
The tool generates MGCP Subregions from unique combinations of TFDM DatasetAreas EQC and RCG attribute values.
The tool sets the following four attributes in new features in the Subregion feature class. Some of these attribute values are copied from the TFDM DatasetAreas features.
Subregion feature class fields list and values.MGCP Subregion field name
TFDM DatasetAreas Value
Generated dynamically from CELLID and a subregion count
MGCP Source features are generated from TFDM CollectionAreas subtypes 0 (nonspatial) and 1 (spatial).
The tool sets the following three attributes in new features in the MGCP Source feature class. All three attributes are copied from the TFDM CollectionAreas features.
MGCP Source feature class field name
TFDM CollectionAreas value
CollectionAreas.ZI001_NSP (nonspatial); CollectionAreas.ZI001_SSY (spatial)
CollectionAreas.ZI001_NSD (nonspatial); CollectionAreas.ZI001_SSD (spatial)
CollectionAreas.ZI001_NSN (nonspatial); CollectionAreas.ZI001_SSN (spatial)
Parámetro | Explicación | Tipo de datos |
in_dataset_areas |
The input TFDM DatasetAreas features. The tool reads CollectionAreas features from the same workspace that stores these features. | Feature Layer |
in_cell_features |
The MGCP Cell features the tool will write to. The tool reads Subregion and Source features from the same workspace that stores these features. | Feature Layer |
Ejemplo de código
The following script creates new Cell, Subregion, and Source features from TFDM DatasetAreas and CollectionAreas feature classes.
# ExportToMGCP_Example.py
# Description: Exports TFDM metadata to MGCP
# Requirements: Esri Defense Mapping solution
# Import arcpy
import arcpy
# variables for data paths and feature layers
DatasetAreas = "C:\\data\\tfdm.gdb\\LTDS\\DatasetAreas"
Cell = "C:\\data\\TFDM_Metadata_Tool_Data\\Import\\Import_MX_MGCP_TRD3.gdb\\MGCP_Metadata\\Cell"
DatasetArea_features = "DatasetAreas_Layer"
MGCP_Cell_features = "Cell_Layer"
# TFDM DatasetArea feature layer
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(DatasetAreas, DatasetArea_features)
# MGCP Cell Feature Layer
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(Cell, MGCP_Cell_features)
# Export TFDM metadata To MGCP
arcpy.ExportToMGCP_defense(DatasetArea_features, MGCP_Cell_features)