Defining rotation using a field

You can use a field to determine the rotation value. The option you choose determines the rotation that will be used for all the map sheets in your map series.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > MPS Atlas.
  3. Click the Show Data Frame Manager Properties button Show Data Frame Manager Properties on the MPS Atlas toolbar.

    The Data Frame Managers dialog box appears.

    Data Frame Manager dialog box
  4. Click to choose a data frame manager .
  5. Click Properties.

    The Data Frame Manager Properties dialog box appears.

  6. Click the Rotation tab.
  7. Click the Select From Field option.
    Rotation tab Select From Field option
  8. Click the Field drop-down arrow and choose a field that can be used to determine the rotation angle.

    The Field list contains all the numeric attributes in the data source feature class.

  9. Click the Units drop-down arrow and choose a unit of measurement for the rotation angle.

    The default is Degrees. You can choose either Degrees or Radians.

  10. Click OK.