Using the Identify LRS Route Locations tool

The Identify LRS Route Locations tool is accessible from the Roads And Highways Editing toolbar and is used to discover measure value information from LRS Networks. You can use this tool to discover m-values from interpolated linear referencing methods (LRM) or offsets from referent locations. See Multiple linear referencing methods to learn more about LRMs.

Clicking the Identify LRS Route Locations tool and clicking a map location displays the Identify LRS Route Locations dialog box. This dialog box shows information about the route features available in the map.

Identify LRS Route Locations



Layer filter

Allows you to view information about a single route layer.

Layer list

Shows a list of all visible route layers in the map. This includes polyline shapefiles and feature classes as well as LRS Network layers.

Options button

Allows you to set referent offsets.


The name of the LRS Network, if applicable.


The unique identifier of the route feature at the target map location.


The measure value of the route feature at the target map location.


The minimum measure value of the route feature at the target map location.


The maximum measure value of the route feature at the target map location.


The total length of the route.


The total length of the route may not be the same as the difference between Min and Max.

You can set referent offsets by clicking Options. The Options dialog box also lets you set the number of decimal places you want to see in your measure values.

Identify LRS Options dialog box
  1. Start ArcMap and add an LRS Network to your map.
  2. Click the Identify LRS Route Locations tool Identify LRS Route Locations and click a location on your map.
  3. Choose an LRS Network layer in the Layers column of the Identify LRS Route Locations dialog box.
  4. Right-click the route layer to find out more information about it.

    View Measures from All Networks

    Removes the layer filter


    Shows attribute information about the selected route

    Draw Route Location

    Places a map marker at the selected location

    Flash Route Location

    Flashes the selected location temporarily so you can see where you clicked

    Zoom to Route Location

    Zooms the map to the selected location

  5. Click Options to display the Options dialog box.
  6. Use the Number of decimal digits to display for non network and event feature classes drop-down list to set the number of decimal places you would like to see on the Identify LRS Route Locations dialog box.
  7. Check the Display Reference Offset check box to see route locations as a distance from a known location.
    1. Choose the referent with the Offset Layer drop-down list.
    2. You can filter your referents by clicking the browse button next to the Where Clause or typing an expression in the text box.

      Show referent offsets from traffic count sites that are currently active.

      Referent offset from active count sites
      Result from setting referent offset to active count sites