Mosaic Dataset properties (arcpy)
The Describe function returns the following properties for Mosaic Datasets. Raster Dataset Properties and Dataset Properties are also supported. Editor Tracking Properties are supported if editor tracking has been enabled for this mosaic dataset.
A Mosaic Dataset returns a dataType of "MosaicDataset".
Propiedad | Explicación | Tipo de datos |
allowedCompressionMethods (Sólo lectura) | The methods of compression that could be used to transmit the mosaicked image from the server to the client. This property influences an image service generated from the mosaic dataset.
| String |
allowedFields (Sólo lectura) | The attribute table fields visible to the client when the mosaic dataset is served as an image service. | String |
allowedMensurationCapabilities (Sólo lectura) | The mensuration tools can be used with an image service.
| String |
allowedMosaicMethods (Sólo lectura) | The order of the rasters mosaicked together to render the mosaicked display.
| String |
applyColorCorrection (Sólo lectura) | If color correction information is available in the mosaic dataset, then a value of True means it will be applied. | Boolean |
blendWidth (Sólo lectura) | The distance used by the Blend mosaic operator. | Double |
blendWidthUnits (Sólo lectura) | The units in which the blend width is specified.
| String |
cellSizeToleranceFactor (Sólo lectura) | How mosaic dataset items with different pixel sizes are grouped together for some operations, such as mosaicking or seamline generation. | Double |
childrenNames (Sólo lectura) | A list of side table names that are components of the mosaic dataset. | String |
clipToBoundary (Sólo lectura) | True means the image extent is limited to the geometry of the boundary. False means it is limited to the extent of the boundary. | Boolean |
clipToFootprint (Sólo lectura) | Whether the extent of each raster is limited to its footprint. | Boolean |
defaultCompressionMethod (Sólo lectura) | The default compression method for the image. This value comes from the list of methods returned by the allowedCompressionMethods property. | String |
defaultMensurationCapability (Sólo lectura) | The default mensuration tool that will be used with an image service. This value comes from the list returned by the allowedMensurationCapabilities property. | String |
defaultMosaicMethod (Sólo lectura) | The default mosaic method for the mosaicked image. This value comes from the list returned by the allowedMosaicMethods property. | String |
defaultMosaicOperator (Sólo lectura) | The default method for resolving overlapping cells.
| String |
defaultResamplingMethod (Sólo lectura) | The default sampling method of the pixels.
| String |
defaultSortingOrder (Sólo lectura) | The default ordering of the images defined by the mosaic methods.
| String |
endTimeField (Sólo lectura) | The field that defines the end time. | String |
footprintMayContainNoData (Sólo lectura) | True if NoData is a valid pixel value. | Boolean |
GCSTransforms (Sólo lectura) | The transformations applied if the spatial references of the source rasters differ from the spatial reference of the mosaic dataset. | String |
JPEGQuality (Sólo lectura) | The percentage of image quality retained if JPEG compression is used on this dataset. | Long |
LERCTolerance (Sólo lectura) | The maximum error value applied per pixel if the mosaic dataset uses LERC compression. | Double |
maxDownloadImageCount (Sólo lectura) | The maximum number of rasters that a client can download from an image service. | Long |
maxDownloadSizeLimit (Sólo lectura) | The maximum size, in megabytes, of rasters that a client can download from an image service. | Long |
maxRastersPerMosaic (Sólo lectura) | The maximum number of rasters mosaicked. This property affects an image service generated from the mosaic dataset. | Long |
maxRecordsReturned (Sólo lectura) | Maximum number of records returned by the server when viewing the mosaic dataset as a published image service. | Long |
maxRequestSizeX (Sólo lectura) | The maximum number of columns each time a mosaicked image is generated. | Long |
maxRequestSizeY (Sólo lectura) | The maximum number of rows each time a mosaicked image is generated. | Long |
minimumPixelContribution (Sólo lectura) | The minimum number of pixels needed within the area of interest in order for a mosaic dataset item to be considered as part of that area. | Long |
orderBaseValue (Sólo lectura) | The images are sorted based on the difference between this value and the value specified in the orderField. This is applicable only for the By Attribute mosaic method. | Double |
orderField (Sólo lectura) | The metadata attribute used for raster ordering. This is applicable only for the By Attribute mosaic method. | String |
rasterMetadataLevel (Sólo lectura) | How much metadata will be transmitted from the server to the client.
| String |
referenced (Sólo lectura) | True if it is a referenced mosaic dataset. False if it is a regular mosaic dataset. | Boolean |
startTimeField (Sólo lectura) | The field that defines the start time. | String |
timeValueFormat (Sólo lectura) | The format in which the start time and end times are specified. | String |
useTime (Sólo lectura) | True if the mosaic dataset is time aware. | Boolean |
viewpointSpacingX (Sólo lectura) | The horizontal offset used to calculate where the center of the area of interest (display view) is when you click an arrow button on the Viewpoint dialog box. These values are calculated in the units of the spatial reference system of the mosaic dataset. This is applicable only for the Closest to Viewpoint mosaic method. | Double |
viewpointSpacingY (Sólo lectura) | The vertical offset used to calculate where the center of the area of interest (display view) is when you click an arrow button on the Viewpoint dialog box. These values are calculated in the units of the spatial reference system of the mosaic dataset. This is applicable only for the Closest to Viewpoint mosaic method. | Double |