Gateway Configuration

Some properties of the Tracking Gateway can be modified by editing a text configuration file. Under normal circumstances, the default values for these properties should not be changed. However, in some specialized scenarios it can be useful to modify them.


The Tracking Server Gateway properties file should only be modified by advanced Tracking Server administrators.

  1. Locate the file. It is located in the Gateway\bin folder in the location of your Tracking Server installation.

    For example, a typical location is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\TrackingServer\Gateway\bin.

  2. Open the file using a text editor such as Notepad.

    You may want to create a backup of the file in a different location before making modifications. The backup can be used to restore the system to its original state at a later time.

  3. Edit the Gateway properties as needed.

    The following properties can be edited:

    • logfile - Determines where the Gateway log messages are stored.
    • loglevel - Determines what level of detail will be logged to the file. Any of the following values are valid:
      • OFF
      • SEVERE
      • WARNING
      • INFO
      • CONFIG
      • FINE
      • FINER
      • FINEST
      • ALL
      However, log messages are only created under these categories:
      • SEVERE
      • WARNING
      • INFO
      • CONFIG
      • FINEST
    • clientport - The port where the Gateway will listen for connections from client applications.
    • serverport - The port where the Gateway will listen for connections from the Tracking Server Connector Data Link.
    • maxclients - The maximum number of concurrent client socket connections that the Gateway will accept on the "clientport".
    • clientWriteBufferSize - The initial size, in bytes, of the buffer that will be used by socket connections between the Gateway and client applications.
    • clientMaxMsgsInQueue - The maximum number of messages from Tracking Server that will be buffered for each individual client connection.
    • clientSessionIdleTimeout - The maximum time that a client can be disconnected from the Gateway and reconnect without having to establish a new session.
  4. Save your changes to the file.
  5. Restart the Gateway.

    Restarting the Gateway is required in order for the new properties to take effect.
