Copying a schematic diagram layout to another schematic diagram
Several diagrams can contain schematic features associated with the same geographic features or objects, for example, diagrams generated from the same set of features. In this case, if a diagram is already laid out, you can copy this layout to any other diagram containing schematic features associated with the same geographic features using the Copy Layout command.
The Copy Layout command operates on the features/objects associated with the schematic features contained in the source and target schematic diagrams. This means that the positions of the schematic nodes and vertices of the schematic links contained in the source diagram are copied onto the schematic features contained in the target diagram that have the same associated feature class/table ID and the same feature/object OBJECTID.
This command is very useful in many cases, such as the following:
- When working with a versioned database, copying the layout of diagrams based on the default version to the diagrams generated from any other version, and vice versa
- Copying the layout of a partial diagram to a more global diagram, and vice versa
- Copying the layout of diagrams implemented by a schematic diagram template to other diagrams implemented by another schematic diagram template
Right-click the source schematic diagram layer in the ArcMap TOC and click Copy Layout.
The Copy Layout To dialog box opens:
From the list that contains all the open schematic diagrams, click the desired target schematic diagram.
- If the desired target diagram is not already open, click the Add diagrams button to open the Select Schematic Diagrams To Open dialog box. Then, browse to and select this schematic diagram and click Add so it is added on the list, then select it.
- If you want to copy the source diagram's layout to several target diagrams in the same operation, hold down the CTRL key and click each desired target diagram item in the list.
- For a target diagram selected in the Copy Layout To dialog box list, the Path and Schematic Diagram Template name zones provide information that can help you easily identify the target diagram on which you want the Copy Layout command to operate.
- The Path field gives the path for the geodatabase, the name of the schematic dataset contained in this geodatabase, and eventually the name of the schematic folder where the target diagram is stored. All these elements should allow you to easily identify the desired target schematic diagram when you have several opened diagrams with the same name coming from different schematic datasets.
- The Diagram template name field provides the name of the schematic diagram template that implements the target diagram currently selected in the list. This information should allow you to easily identify the desired target diagram when you have several opened diagrams with the same name implementing by different schematic diagram templates.
- Click OK.
The Copy Layout process starts; each target diagram's content is automatically laid out according to the position of the source diagram's schematic features, which have the same associated feature/object. A target diagram that was not open is opened, and an editing session is started on it before the Copy Layout process operates.

When an edit session is started on the target diagram, that editing session is not automatically closed at the end of the copy operation to let you analyze the result and save it only if needed. When the target diagram is correctly laid out, click the Save Diagram Edits button from the Schematic Editor drop-down menu to store the diagram layout in the schematic dataset.

A target diagram containing a global network can be laid out using the Copy Layout command from several source diagrams containing separate parts of that network.