Migration results

Items that no longer exist in the schematic dataset

After migrating, the following items no longer exist in the schematic dataset:


In Schematics versions prior to 10, properties were only used for defining the symbology of schematic elements and for labeling. Now, schematic datasets, properties no longer exist. During the migration, their associated attribute is automatically stored in a field that can be used for defining the symbology or labeling under ArcMap using the standard tools.

Patterns models

Patterns models were only used for rendering patterns along links and sublinks; they are removed from the schematic dataset. ArcMap standard symbology is now available for Schematics.

Flag models

Flags were only used for labeling; they are removed from the schematic dataset. ArcMap standard labeling is now available for Schematics.


Custom code has to be written to replace behaviors; they are removed from the schematic dataset.

Inheritance between diagram classes

Inherited attributes, associations, queries, and parameters are duplicated into each descendant. The inheritance relationship is removed.

User data

User data is removed from the schematic dataset. If the name of a user data was a predefined name, its associated attribute is automatically renamed with the following predefined name:

Pre-10 user data predefined name New attribute predefined name

















Predefined attributes for element classes

The InitialListPoints, InitialXPosition, InitialYPosition, ExtremityNode, and OriginNode predefined attributes specified for element classes with no custom query are not migrated.

Predefined attributes for diagram classes

The attribute fields specified for diagram classes with no custom query are not migrated, for example, DIAGRAMCLASSID, and DIAGRAMOBJECTID.

The following predefined attributes that may have been specified for diagram classes are obsolete and are removed from the schematic dataset: SpaceSymbolScaling, SpaceLabelScaling, ViewTitle, ViewColor, SymbolPaperScale, and LabelPaperScale, and SpacePaperScale.

Items that have changed or converted into other items during the migration

After migrating, the following items have been changed:

Diagram Class and Element Class

Diagram Classes are now called Schematic Diagram Templates.

Element Classes are now called Schematic Feature Classes.

Drawing element classes

Drawings no longer exist in Schematics. Drawing element classes are converted into node schematic feature classes, with a geometry type Polygon by default. If needed, this default geometry type can be changed into Polyline when the Select Geometry Type dialog box opens at the beginning of the migration process.

Custom Query Based builder

The Custom Query Based builder no longer exists. The Standard builder has been enhanced, so now it doesn't only support the management of diagrams built from geometric networks but also those whose contents are entirely built from custom queries. Diagram templates based on the Custom Query Based builder are migrated in schematic datasets, so they are now based on the Standard builder.

Dynamic and Static attributes

Dynamic and static attributes no longer exist in Schematics. They are converted into Associated Field attributes; this is a new type of attribute. Conversion rules for Associated Field attributes are the following:

Pre-10 attribute type

New attribute type

Attribute storage mode

Attribute evaluation mode

Dynamic attribute (when they are used by a property)

Associated Field attribute


On Start Editing

Dynamic attribute (when they are not used by a property)

Associated Field attribute

No Storage

On Redraw/Refresh

Static attribute (when they are used by a property)

Associated Field attribute


On Generate/Update

Static attribute (when they are not used by a property)

Associated Field attribute

No Storage

On Redraw/Refresh

Multiple fields attributes

As ArcMap allows symbology and labels based on multiple fields, multiple fields attributes are split into several single field attributes. One attribute is created for each involved field, and the original multiple fields attribute is removed. This applies for Field attributes, Dynamic attributes, and Static attributes.

Thèmes connexes
