Opening an existing task assistant workflow in Task Designer

Existing task assistant workflows can be opened and viewed in the Task Assistant window. A task assistant workflow is stored as an XML file. You can opt to open multiple task assistant workflows at one time. This would be helpful if the task assistant workflow did not launch automatically, or an update has been made and you want to compare workflows side-by-side.

A task assistant workflow may be a stand-alone task. However, as the GIS tasks become more complex, you may find that grouping existing workflows together is easier for the Task Assistant user. With the option to open existing task assistant workflows, you can group multiple workflows into a new XML.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, click the Task Assistant button Task Assistant on the Task Manager toolbar to display the Task Assistant window.
  3. Click the Open Workflow button Open Workflow on the Task Assistant toolbar.

    The Open Workflow dialog box appears.

  4. Navigate to the workflow you want to open.
  5. Click Open.

    If a style file exists at the same location as the workflow to be opened, the Load Styles dialog box appears asking how the custom styles should be loaded.

    Load Styles dialog box

  6. Choose one of the following:
    • Choose Load all styles (will overwrite styles with the same name) to load all the workflow's custom styles and to overwrite any existing styles with the same names.
    • Choose Load only styles which do not exist to load only those custom styles for the workflow that do not already exist in the Style Manager for the current ArcMap session.
    • Click Cancel to not load the styles or the workflow file and to close the Load Styles dialog box.

    In the Load Styles dialog box, you can also select from the following options:

    If you want to apply the selected Load Style settings to all subsequent workflows in this operation

    Check the Apply to all subsequent workflows in this operation check box.

    If you do not want to show the Load Styles dialog box in the future

    Check the Do not show this dialog box in the future check box.

    The previously created task assistant workflow displays in the Task Assistant window. If a workflow is already loaded in the Task Assistant window, the newly opened workflow is appended to it.


    You can also open an existing workflow by right-clicking in the Task Assistant window and clicking Open Workflow.

  7. Click OK.

    The workflow is loaded into the Task Assistant window based on the settings you selected on the Load Styles dialog box.
