Alphabetical list of arcpy.mapping classes (arcpy.mapping)
The arcpy.mapping classes provide access to various methods and properties for the different object types found within a map document (.mxd) or layer file (.lyr). This document is intended to serve as a quick reference. For more specific information, use the links to jump to the individual help pages.
arcpy.mapping classes
- Methods
- exportToPDF(out_pdf, {page_range_type}, {page_range_string}, {multiple_files}, {resolution}, {image_quality}, {colorspace}, {compress_vectors}, {image_compression}, {picture_symbol}, {convert_markers}, {embed_fonts}, {layers_attributes}, {georef_info}, {jpeg_compression_quality}, {show_selection_symbology})
- getPageIDFromName(page_name)
- printPages({printer_name}, {page_range_type}, {page_range_string}, {out_print_file}, {show_selection_symbology})
- refresh()
- Properties
- currentPageID—Read/Write; Long
- dataFrame—Read-only; DataFrame object
- indexLayer—Read-only; Layer object
- pageCount—Read-only; Long
- pageNameField—Read-only; GP Field object
- pageRow—Read-only; GP Row object
- selectedPages—Read-only; Python list of index numbers
- Methods
- panToExtent(extent)
- zoomToSelectedFeatures()
- Properties
- credits—Read/Write; String
- description—Read/Write; String
- displayUnits—Read/Write; String
- elementHeight—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionX—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionY—Read/Write; Double
- elementWidth—Read/Write; String
- extent—Read/Write; GP Extent object
- geographicTransformations—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- mapUnits—Read-only; String
- name—Read/Write; String
- referenceScale—Read/Write; Double
- rotation—Read/Write; Double
- scale—Read/Write; Double
- spatialReference—Read/Write; GP Spatial Reference object
- time—Read-only; DataFrameTime object
- type—Read-only; String
- Methods
- resetTimeExtent()
- Properties
- currentTime—Read/Write; Python datetime object
- endTime—Read/Write; Python datetime object
- startTime—Read/Write; Python datetime object
- timeStepInterval—Read-only; Python timedelta object
- timeWindow—Read/Write; Double
- timeWindowUnits—Read/Write; String
- Methods
- reclassify()
- Properties
- classBreakDescriptions—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- classBreakLabels—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- classBreakValues—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- normalization—Read/Write; String
- numClasses—Read/Write; Long
- valueField—Read/Write; String
- Methods
- reclassify()
- Properties
- classBreakDescriptions—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- classBreakLabels—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- classBreakValues—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- normalization—Read/Write; String
- numClasses—Read/Write; Long
- valueField—Read/Write; String
- Methods
- clone({suffix})
- delete()
- Properties
- elementHeight—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionX—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionY—Read/Write; Double
- elementWidth—Read/Write; String
- isGroup— Read-only; Boolean
- name—Read/Write; String
- type—Read-only; String
- Properties
- className—Read/Write; String
- expression—Read/Write; String
- showClassLabels—Read/Write; Boolean
- SQLQuery—Read/Write; String
- Methods
- findAndReplaceWorkspacePath(find_workspace_path, replace_workspace_path, {validate})
- getExtent({symbolized_extent})
- getSelectedExtent({symbolized_extent})
- replaceDataSource(workspace_path, workspace_type, dataset_name, {validate})
- save()
- saveACopy(file_name, {version})
- supports(layer_property)
- Properties
- brightness—Read/Write; Long
- contrast—Read/Write; Long
- credits—Read/Write; String
- datasetName—Read-only; String
- dataSource—Read-only; String
- definitionQuery—Read/Write; String
- description—Read/Write; String
- isBroken—Read-only; Boolean
- isFeatureLayer—Read-only; Boolean
- isGroupLayer—Read-only; Boolean
- isNetworkAnalystLayer—Read-only; Boolean
- isRasterizingLayer—Read-only; Boolean
- isRasterLayer—Read-only; Boolean
- isServiceLayer—Read-only; Boolean
- labelClasses—Read/Write; List of LabelClass objects
- longName—Read-only; String
- maxScale—Read/Write; Double
- minScale—Read/Write; Double
- name—Read/Write; String
- serviceProperties—Read-only; Dictionary of property sets
- showLabels—Read/Write; Boolean
- symbology—Read-only; Layer symbology object
- symbologyType—Read-only; String
- time—Read-only; Layer time object
- transparency—Read/Write; Long
- visible—Read/Write; Boolean
- workspacePath—Read-only; String
- Properties
- daylightSavings—Read-only; Boolean
- displayDataCumulatively—Read-only; Boolean
- endTime—Read-only; Python datetime object
- endTimeField—Read-only; String
- isTimeEnabled—Read-only; Boolean
- startTime—Read-only; Python datetime object
- startTimeField—Read-only; String
- timeFormat—Read-only; String
- timeOffset—Read-only; Python timedelta object
- timeStepInterval—Read-only; Python timedelta object
- timeZone—Read-only; String
- Methods
- adjustColumnCount(column_count)
- listLegendItemLayers()
- removeItem(legend_item_layer, {index})
- updateItem(legend_item_layer, {legend_item_style_item}, {preserve_item_sizes}, {use_visible_extent}, {show_feature_count}, {use_ddp_extent}, {index})
- Properties
- autoAdd—Read/Write; Boolean
- elementHeight—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionX—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionY—Read/Write; Double
- elementWidth—Read/Write; String
- isOverflowing—Read-only; Boolean
- items—Read-only; Python list of strings
- name—Read/Write; String
- parentDataFrameName—Read-only; String
- title—Read/Write; String
- type—Read-only; String
- Methods
- deleteThumbnail()
- findAndReplaceWorkspacePaths(find_workspace_path, replace_workspace_path, {validate})
- makeThumbnail()
- replaceWorkspaces(old_workspace_path, old_workspace_type, new_workspace_path, new_workspace_type, {validate})
- save()
- saveACopy(file_name, {version})
- Properties
- activeDataFrame—Read-only; DataFrame object
- activeView—Read/Write; String
- author—Read/Write; String
- credits—Read-only; String
- dataDrivenPages—Read-only; DataDrivenPages object
- dateExported—Read-only; Python datetime object
- datePrinted—Read-only; Python datetime object
- dateSaved—Read-only; Python datetime object
- description—Read/Write; String
- filePath—Read-only; String
- hyperlinkBase—Read/Write; String
- isDDPEnabled—Read-only; Boolean
- pageSize—Read-only; Python named tuple
- relativePaths—Read/Write; Boolean
- summary—Read/Write; String
- tags—Read/Write; String
- title—Read/Write; String
- Properties
- elementHeight—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionX—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionY—Read/Write; Double
- elementWidth—Read/Write; String
- name—Read/Write; String
- parentDataFrameName—Read-only; String
- type—Read-only; String
- Methods
- appendPages(pdf_path, {input_pdf_password})
- attachFile(file_path, {description})
- deletePages(page_range)
- insertPages(pdf_path, {before_page_number}, {input_pdf_password})
- saveAndClose()
- updateDocProperties({pdf_title}, {pdf_author}, {pdf_subject}, {pdf_keywords}, {pdf_open_view}, {pdf_layout})
- updateDocSecurity({new_master_password}, {new_user_password}, {encryption}, {permissions})
- Properties:
- pageCount—Read-only; Long
- Properties
- elementHeight—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionX—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionY—Read/Write; Double
- elementWidth—Read/Write; String
- name—Read/Write; String
- sourceImage—Read/Write; String
- type—Read-only; String
- Methods
- reclassify()
- Properties
- classBreakDescriptions—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- classBreakLabels—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- classBreakValues—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- excludedValues—Read/Write; String
- normalization—Read/Write; String
- numClasses—Read/Write; Long
- valueField—Read/Write; String
- Properties
- itemName—Read-only; String
- itemCategory—Read-only; String
- styleFolderName—Read-only; String
- Methods
- findAndReplaceWorkspacePath(find_workspace_path, replace_workspace_path, {validate})
- replaceDataSource(workspace_path, workspace_type, dataset_name, {validate})
- Properties
- datasetName—Read-only; String
- dataSource—Read-only; String
- definitionQuery—Read/Write; String
- isBroken—Read-only; Boolean
- name—Read/Write; String
- workspacePath—Read-only; String
- Methods
- clone({suffix})
- delete()
- Properties
- elementHeight—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionX—Read/Write; Double
- elementPositionY—Read/Write; Double
- elementWidth—Read/Write; String
- fontSize—Read/Write; Double
- name—Read/Write; String
- text—Read/Write; String
- type—Read-only; String
- Methods
- addAllValues()
- Properties
- classDescriptions—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- classLabels—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- classValues—Read/Write; Python list of strings
- showOtherValues—Read/Write; Boolean
- valueField—Read/Write; String