ExportToEPS (arcpy.mapping)


Exports the page layout or data frame of a map document (.mxd) to an Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) format.


EPS files use the PostScript page description language to describe vector and raster objects. PostScript is the publishing industry standard for high-end graphics files, cartography, and printing. EPS files can be edited in many drawing applications or placed as a graphic in most page layout applications. EPS files exported from ArcMap support embedding of fonts so that users who do not have Esri Fonts installed can still view the proper symbology. EPS exports from ArcMap can define colors in CMYK or RGB values.

To export a single data frame instead of the entire page layout, pass a DataFrame object to the function's data_frame parameter. Because data frame exports do not have an associated page to provide height and width information, you must provide this via the df_export_width and df_export_height parameters.

Controlling graphic quality of the generated image differs for page layout exports versus data frame exports. When exporting a page layout, control image detail by changing the resolution parameter. When exporting a data frame, keep the resolution parameter at its default value, and change the df_export_width and df_export_height parameters to alter image detail. The height and width parameters directly control the number of pixels generated in the export file and are only used when exporting a data frame. Images with larger numbers of pixels will have higher image detail. For most page layout exports, the default parameter values should generate good results and nice looking export images on the first try. For data frame exports, you may need to experiment with the df_export_width and df_export_height values a few times before getting the result you want.

Refer to the Exporting your map topic in ArcGIS Help for more detailed discussions on exporting maps.


ExportToEPS (map_document, out_eps, {data_frame}, {df_export_width}, {df_export_height}, {resolution}, {image_quality}, {colorspace}, {ps_lang_level}, {image_compression}, {picture_symbol}, {convert_markers}, {embed_fonts}, {jpeg_compression_quality})
ParamètreExplicationType de données

A variable that references a MapDocument object.


A string that represents the path and file name for the output export file.


A variable that references a DataFrame object. Use the string/constant "PAGE_LAYOUT" to export the map document's page layout instead of an individual data frame.

(La valeur par défaut est PAGE_LAYOUT)


A number that defines the width of the export image in pixels for a data frame export. df_export_width is only used when exporting a data frame. Exporting a page layout uses the map document page width instead of df_export_width.

(La valeur par défaut est 640)


A number that defines the height of the export image in pixels for a data frame export. df_export_height is only used when exporting a data frame. Exporting a page layout uses the map document page height instead of df_export_height.

(La valeur par défaut est 480)


A number that defines the resolution of the export file in dots per inch (DPI).

(La valeur par défaut est 300)


A string that defines output image quality, the draw resolution of map layers that draw as rasters.

  • BESTAn output image quality resample ratio of 1.
  • BETTERAn output image quality resample ratio of 2.
  • NORMALAn output image quality resample ratio of 3.
  • FASTERAn output image quality resample ratio of 4.
  • FASTESTAn output image quality resample ratio of 5.

(La valeur par défaut est BEST)


A string that defines the colorspace of the export file.

  • CMYKCyan, Magenta,Yellow, and blacK color model.
  • RGBRed, Green, and Blue color model.

(La valeur par défaut est RGB)


A number that represents the PostScript Language level. Level 3 is the most recent release, but some older PostScript interpreters may not be able to read files created using this version. Valid levels are 2 and 3.

(La valeur par défaut est 3)


A string that defines the compression scheme used to compress image or raster data in the output file.

  • ADAPTIVEAutomatically selects the best compression type for each image on the page. JPEG will be used for large images with many unique colors. DEFLATE will be used for all other images.
  • JPEGA lossy data compression.
  • DEFLATEA lossless data compression.
  • LZWLempel-Ziv-Welch, a lossless data compression.
  • NONECompression is not applied.
  • RLERun-length encoded compression.

(La valeur par défaut est ADAPTIVE)


A string that defines whether picture markers and picture fills will be converted to vector or rasterized on output.

  • RASTERIZE_BITMAP Rasterize layers with bitmap markers/fills.
  • RASTERIZE_PICTURERasterize layers with any picture marker/fill.
  • VECTORIZE_BITMAPVectorize layers with bitmap markers/fills.

(La valeur par défaut est RASTERIZE_BITMAP)


A Boolean that controls the coversion of character-based marker symbols to polygons. This allows the symbols to appear correctly if the symbol font is not available or cannot be embedded. However, setting this parameter to True disables font embedding for all character-based marker symbols, which can result in a change in their appearance.

(La valeur par défaut est False)


A Boolean that controls the embedding of fonts in export files. Font embedding allows text and character markers to be displayed correctly when the document is viewed on a computer that does not have necessary fonts installed.

(La valeur par défaut est True)


A number that controls compression quality value when image_compression is set to ADAPTIVE or JPEG. The valid range is 1 to 100. A jpeg_compression_quality of 100 provides the best quality images but creates large export files. The recommended range is between 70 and 90.

(La valeur par défaut est 80)


Exemple de code

ExportToEPS example 1

This script opens a map document and exports the page layout to an EPS file using default values for all options.

import arcpy
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\Project\Project.mxd")
arcpy.mapping.ExportToEPS(mxd, r"C:\Project\Output\Project.eps")
del mxd
ExportToEPS example 2

This script will export a single data frame instead of the entire page layout, similar to exporting from data view in the ArcMap application. The default values for df_export_width and df_export_height are 640 and 480. By passing larger values for these parameters, we are able to produce an output image with higher detail.

import arcpy
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\Project\Project.mxd")
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Transportation")[0]
arcpy.mapping.ExportToEPS(mxd, r"C:\Project\Output\ProjectDataFrame.eps", df,
del mxd