RandomNumberGenerator (arcpy)


Determines the type and seed that will be used to create random numbers between 0 and 1 for all tools that utilize random numbers, for example, CreateRandomRaster, CreateRandomPoints, and the ArcGIS.Rand() function.

Returned from the randomGenerator environment.

Vue d'ensemble des méthodes

exportToString ()

Exports the object to its string representation.

loadFromString (string)

Restore the object using its string representation. The exportToString method can be used to create a string representation.


exportToString ()
Valeur renvoyée
Type de donnéesExplication

The string representation of the object.

loadFromString (string)
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The string representation of the object.


Exemple de code

RandomNumberGenerator example

Demonstrate how to create a random number generator object.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Cannot create RandomNumberGenerator object directly,
#   but is returned from CreateRandomValueGenerator function.
#   CreateRandomValueGenerator takes 2 arguments, seed and distribution method.
#   The distribution method options are ACM599, 
#   The gen variable is a randomNumberGenerator object that is assigned to
#   the randomGenerator environments setting.
env.randomGenerator = arcpy.CreateRandomValueGenerator(20, "STANDARD_C")

# Calculate a random number using the ArcGIS.Rand() function
result = arcpy.CalculateValue_management("arcgis.rand('normal 0.0 10.0')")

# Get the value from the result object and print it to the Python window.
val = float(result.getOutput(0))
print val

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